#31 The open Veil ~ Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween photo: happy halloween AllHallowsEve2.jpg




I don’t have  much time to really write much of anything (other than what I have over the past few weeks)

today.  I’m sure you are busy getting ready for whatever Halloween festivities you have planned like getting dressed up and getting make-up on  for trick or treating or a party, which I am doing as well (at least handing candy out to the kids).

Right now it’s the 27th and I just got my pumpkin over the weekend & I can’ t think of what face I want to carve into it. Also have baking to do.. Blood cakes or ‘blood’ Brownies  (red velvet cake)

mmm maybe I’ll see if i can do one of the Blood desserts & the Graveyard  dirt (brownies)

Thought of an idea for the Pumpkin face, a mummy. I went to look but am not sure if I can pull it off as the Pumpkin isn’t tall and ‘bloated’ its stout and not much room so I’m here on the 29th and way behind in my last minute preparations (which are turning to be very much literal)




More than two-thousand years ago before Christian times, the eve of November 1st was one of three principal festivities in times of the ancient Celts, who inhabited France and the British Isles. This was Harvest season and the start of their winter, known as Samhain (sow-in), meaning summer’s end and marking the death of summer and the rebirth of the New Year. (If you asked what the other 2 festivals were, May was for Sowing seeds, and the Summer Solstice of June for ripening.)

Great fires were built on hill tops in honor of the sun which the people of the ‘heathen’ religion worshiped.  When the said “Heathen’ religion was destroyed by Christianity, the church twisted the celebrations to their own agenda so the heathens would convert and the holidays would have different meaning. So now the harvest festival was now All Hallow’s (meaning Holy)  Eve (or eve of All saints’ day).

Most of the old customs of the holidays were renamed all though gradually others were introduced; All hallow’s eve remained the Night of the Year for wild, mysterious and superstitious rites. Fairies and all sorts of supernatural beings were believed to be lurking about at this time and to exercise their powers over earthly beings. Because of this it was thought the best time for the practice of performing magic and divination (fortunetelling) which were the customs observed on this night.

The ancient Celts believed an invisible veil separated the worlds of the living and the dead; (here’s an analogy for you) it’s sort of like when Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts. His aunt & Uncle Muggle is the normal rest of the year, then that track of 9  3/4 would be a literal veil and then he crosses into the world of magic to get to the Hogwarts train. In (I think it was) the Prisoner of Azkaban the actual veil between the living and the dead is portrayed. On the last day of the year at sundown the veil is at its thinnest allowing the living and the dead the chance to connect with each other

Every Samhain the ‘Lord of the Dead’ was said to gather men, women & children ‘s souls who had died during the year. These souls were believed to be confined in the bodies of animals while waiting to enter the underworld. Having made amends for their sins  they would be set free to journey into the Celtic otherworld of Tir-na-n’Og, whose gates opened to welcome them.  Homesick spirits were free to wander the mortal realm and return to their old homes to seek the warmth and company of their living kin.  The families prepared offering of food. The bonfires illuminating the sky with its eerie orange glow was a guiding light for the returning souls. The fires were also of another use as they were kept a flame (burning)through the night to keep away any evil spirits with the intent to harm the living.


The citizens of pre-christian Ireland believed that Samhain  was the time what some dark-skinned strange creatures like goblins with mystical powers would come out of hiding. These creatures are resentful of humans for taking over land that was once theirs, they delight in creating as much Mischief and chaos  as possible. Some would just play pranks while others could be quite dangerous and evil. Every seven years these creatures would steal  human infants or small children and then sacrifice them to their god. (This also sounds like one of the fairy stories how they kidnap children replacing them with a changeling that looks just like the child)

The Fearful Celts started to leave  bowls of cream and oatmeal  outside before they bedded down for the night for the ‘conquered race’. The Scots did the same only pouring the milk on a certain stone as an offering to the fairy folk. If the ritual was not carried out the creatures may cause harm to, or kill  a beloved pet or livestock  out of anger. On this night fairy mounds were wide open  that someone (like quicksand) could fall in, and would remain doomed.

The Celts had a variety of charms to protect themselves against ‘the little people’ (fairies), like the ringing of bells (especially those of the Church)  and hanging iron Horseshoes above doorways were just 2 ways to keep those little buggers at bay, and to keep from being glamoured. Many parts of the world people still believe that iron is a metal that repels and protects against all manner of fairy, t is also used in making of magical talismans and amulets for protection.   horseshoe-superstition*Horseshoe-House-Door-Feng-Shui.htm


The Roman armies in the 1st century B.C.  invaded Britain and Gaul (now France)  and became  part of the Roman Empire. The Romans had their own Day of the Dead, called Feralia and  originally celebrated it  on the 21st of February, which by the Old Roman calendar was the last day of the year. This held the purpose to give Rest and peace to the departed through prayer, offerings and sacrifices. Elements of Samhain and Feralia began to merge at some point.

In the 4th century A.D the Roman Empror Constantine declared the new and lawful religion to be christianity; thus a holy war was declared upon  Pagans as well the rites and symbols along with it (which christianity stole and twisted to their own agenda one in which includes the Cross as well as conversion)  The Druid religion was banned and Samhain rites outlawed and the Druid priests  were systematically murdered. Early Christians (even current)  did not understand the old beliefs; They erroneously  associating the Celtic underworld with their punishment of damnation their firey pit of hell, and that the Celtic lord of the dead was the devil when neither share anything or relation. Christians assumed (which just makes an ass of you) Samhain being the old Celtic new year devoted to the dead, the pronunciation incorrect of  the Semitic name Sammael which means ‘God of the underworld’


Now the Celts’ gods and goddesses and the fertility religion is now ‘newly invented’ by the devil. Pagans were slow to embrace the new religion, not willing to give up their Pagan holidays and practices. The priests may have been gone, but the people kept the sacred hilltop bonfires to guide the spirits of the dead each Samhain.

History proves in many cases the Pagan to christian conversion was accomplished by violent means torture and execution were highly effective practices by the Christian Church (mmm what happend to ‘Thou shalt not kill?” guess I’ll see those F**rs in Hel ) to eradicate Pagans. On a less violent, but no less vile manner they Christianize Pagan practices, now giving new meaning to old rites and symbols. The cross of christian faith prior to the 5th century existed as a pagan religious symbol and magic tool.

The 7th century Pope Boniface (sp?) introduced All Saints’ day which was originally May 13 but in 900 Gregory 3 changed it to November 1st to supplant the Samhain deast of the dead festivities  (thank Goddess in that they failed in a way)

All saints’ day was called All Hallow’s day and Hallowmas.  Hallow meaning Holy.

Hlloween was brought to the United States by Irish immigrants in the 19th century. It’s roots of Paganism of course get many religious groups panties in a bunch. Thankfully Halloween popularity especially among the young outweigh the chagrin of the opposition and the early (evil) attempts to ban the celebration proved to be futile in the states


To this day Halloween still casts a spell on OCtober 31st on young and old. It remains the most entertaining  holiday for children of all backgrounds, and ages. Even if the cobwebs of the past have claimed the original customs it still remains a sacred night to modern witches, druids and (neo) pagans.


Samhain was more than just a night the spirits walked the earth, Samhain was also connected with the fertility of the Earth and it’s animals. The final harvest was celebrated and the farmer brought their livestock in from the pastures and started their winter preparations. Pumpkins, and apples play a part in many of Halloween customs as well as hazelnuts.

Large pots of candy would bubble over a fire to be poured over plates of buts, eaten at intervals through the night and keep spirits high for those with less than favorable fortunes. Tubs of cold water and apples were used for bobbing. Apples are also used to find the letter of the first name of the one you would marry; by peeling the skin completely around (without breaking) and dropping it in to the water and there it’s supposed to form the letter.


and must figure out a way to do this!!

Decorations vary in modern times from cute, creepy to out right  scary. Ambiance is a key to indoor festivities, low lighting  or even better ea fire in the hearth (your fireplace)  keeping the shadowy corners mysterious and sinister.

Love this Jack O’lantern 

Once popular in Ireland and parts of Great Britain a ‘Dumb Supper’ was a ritual offering of food to the spirits of the dead who on this day would come to visit their family and then possibly pass into the ether.  A place was set at the table with food (possibly porridge), tobacco and drink, for anyone in the who had passed. Now some say a dumb supper will help one see (on Halloween night at midnight)  who their future spouse will be.


On All Soul’s day in the Middle Ages in Central and Southern England, bakers were filled with ‘Soul Cakes’.

These are little square buns decorated with currants. These were eaten to ‘bring mercy’ on the christians who dies in the past year.  This is a custom derived from the old Pagan tradition of breaking bread, from new grain at the Samhain harvest festival.

‘Soulers’, those who walked the streets singing and begging for food would be given soul cakes; in return of saying additional prayers for the deceased of the donors. The passage of the soul through purgatory is made faster by each prayer. (& this evolved into Trick or Treating)


Yorkshire England Saumas (soul mass) loaves were made somewhat like soul cakes but were round loaves the bakers gave away to their favorite customers to bring them luck and as a charm against early death. One or 2 loaves would be kept in the house until the next all saints day (gross where would they keep it?)

For children in Belgium they would erect shrines in front of their homes and sell cakes for the dead. THese were small white cookies or cake, and one would be eaten for each spirit honored. The belief being the more you sonsumed the more blessings from the dead you would receive.




The Music industry even has some good ‘treats’


I’ve read something at one point about a Dish of salt, Alcohol a few raisins and is to be set on fire (I’m guessing the alcohol meaning whiskey, or rum) but I cannot remember what this was supposed to be for; I guess I have to go re-read everything I did for this to find it)




 Whirl-O Halloween Fortune and Stunt game  *  Halloween_Fate game 







Back in the 80’s or 90’s there was  a band called ‘Helloween a play on halloween.  If You are curious you can find their Official Website here




In the news

kane-hodder-will-dawn (don)-jason-mask-one-time



Also see if you can  check out the Ghost Adventures season 10 Halloween Special “Ireland’s Celtic Demons”

(Cablevision I think will have it on the Free on demand option under travel and leisure then Travel Channel.)

As for the other cable and satellite companies  find your On demand channel and then look for an option that says free

and then check around there or just look it up online!

#28 The Vampire Bible


The site doesn’t look the same you’ll have to look at the bottom of page for index

Vivacious Vampires

Verullian lips & ivory teeth…

sweet Daggers caress your neck,

blood red wine flows in a stream

a lick,

blood ties bind

followed by a sigh

a delectable Bite

by ©KimMarie Ostrowski

Tweet #Zodiacimmortal

Like Vampires? Want to know more? I’ve got quite the amount of intell for you! This I do hope will end up as the Definitive vampire resource!

There’s always new information popping up so this post will get a long form version with more information on a page with the same title, and will be an ongoing work. I will ALWAYS be adding to it.

Vampire Define

Vampire Define

Vampire n.

Sympathetically misunderstod victim of its affliction. A creature that feeds upon ‘some life force’ be it blood or some other bodily fluids or the human psyche itself and enhancing the id with sexuality

The ‘Hogwarts’ for Vampires

The leading school for vampire education Fledgling or Ancient
The leading school for vampire education (From Vampire Academy)

The Origin story

wow a TWISTED GREEK Romeo & Juliet! And we thought Shakespear was tragic

Ambrogio longed to trevel to Greece and have his fortune told by the oracle of Delphi, when he reached adulthood he did so. Delphi was the home to the Temple of the sun god, Apollo. This was also the home of the Pythia, known as the oracles. These oracles would speak of inspired prophecies by Apollo. Once ambrogio saw the Pythia his fortune was quite cryptic and maybe a little morbid.

“The Curse, The Moon. The Blood will Run”

He could not sleep that night and so stayed outside the temple trying to contemplate the meaning of the fortune. With the dawn he realized he had not sleep a wink and as he walked back toward town he saw a beautiful woman dressed in robes of white walking toward the temple. Introducing himself, her name was Selene and was the maiden of the temple she tended to the temple and took care of her sister the Oracle while she as in her trance like state.

The two would meet same time on the following days and falling in love. Ambrogio asked Selene to marry him and to return with him to Italy as it was his last day in Greece. She agreed, and he would go make the preparations and meeter same time the next morning. This angered Apollo as he took a liking to the lovely Selene and here was Ambrogio taking one of his maidens away. Apollo apperead to Ambrogio and cursed him from

that day forward that the mere touch of Apollo’s sunlight would burn his skin

Distraught and not able to meet with Selene, Ambrogio ran toward a cave that lead to Hades for protection from the sun. hades God of the underworldlistened to the tale and made a deal Hades would grant he & Selene protection in the underworld if he would steal Artemis’ Silver bow .

Hades gave Ambrogio a megial wooden Bow with 11 arrows to hunt with and he was to offer his trophies to Artimis to gain her favor. As collataral

hades bade him to leave his soul until he returned to Hades, should he return without the bow h’d ahve to live in Hades forever never returning to Selene.

Ambrogio had no way of contacting Selene, oh he had parchment but no instrument to write or ink. With his bow & arrow he killed a swan; using its feather as a pen and blood for ink, he wrote her a note that he could not meet her but would find a way to for them to be together then left the note in thier meeting place. Selene was devistated but as to not anger Apollo kept working at the temple. Again no Ambrogio, but another parchment with writing in bloof conting a Love Poem. Ambrogio for 44 days before dawn would slay a swan and write Slene her letters and poems, then after draining the bird he’d offer the body to Artemis as tribute to the Goddess of Hunting, the moon and sister to Hades.

Hoping that even if he could not steal her bow that she would be honored by his tribute and would be able to convince hades to remove the curse. Ambrogio had one arrow left on the 45th night, and missed the swan to sacrifice to Artemis as well as not having the blood or pen to write to Selene. artimis seeing he was a good hunter and how dedicated he was came down. Ambrogio beggedArtemis to borrow her bow and an arrow to kill one more bird to leave one final note to his beloved. Taking pity on him, Artemis agreed to let him borrow the silver bow and an arrow. Ambrogio had his chance and now ran in despiration to the cave that led to Hades. After realising what had happened artemis cast her own curse upon Ambrogio that causing all silver to burn his skin, with that in pain he dropped to the ground. artemis furious by the decite, but as he begged for her forgivness he explained his love for Selene, Apollo’s curse & the deal with Hades. He swore & appologized profusely that he had no other choice. She took pity on him and decided to give him one more chance She offered to make him

* a great Hunter almost as good as she

*Speed & strength of a god

*fangs with which to drain blood of the beasts to write poems

*in exchange for his immortality

The only catch was that Artemis was a virgin (goddess) and al her followers had to remain so and unmarried as well. They would never be able to touch again, no kissing, no ‘touching’, no children. Ambrogio agreed being they could at least be together. He left another note for Selene to meet him on the docks the next morning, upon receiving the note she ran away before Apollo could notice. When she got to the ship in the hull lay a coffin with instructions to have the Captain set sail and not to open the coffin until nightfall. The two lived in Ephesus in a cave during the day and at night worshipped Artemis at her temple. The years went by and Selene aged while Ambrogio stayed young . She fell ill and was on her deathbed, distraught he would never join Selene in the afterlife Ambrogio went to the woods & killed a swan for tribute begging to mkae Slene immortal as well. Artemis appeared thankful for his dedicated worship and made one last deal. She told him that he may touch Slene just once, to drink her blood, that doing so would kill her mortal body, but from then on her blood mixed with his could create eternal life for any who drank of it. Ambrogio explained to Selene what had transpired and after much convincing he bit her neck and took her blood into his body. Setting her limp body down she started to radiat with light and levitate up toward the sky. Ambrogio watched helpless as Selene’s spirit met Artemis at the moon and when she arrived, the moon lit with a brilliant light and with that Selene became the goddess of moonlight. Everynight she would reach down with her rays to touch the earth and her beloved and their vampire children

The First Vampire Clan

Ambrogio moved back to Italy as a full fledged vampire. Legends trace him to Florence (Firenze) where he created the first vampire clan

Not much is known of this clan with the same curse your soul went to Hades & you could return to hades to retrive it but could never leave. Over time the clan grew in size and stength and infighting began starting a civil war of sorts within the clan and many leaving to form their own clans.

It is unknown what happened to Ambrogio and his clan who stayed but it Ambrogio is believed to still resides in Florence.

Spell to Become a Vampire

(The following contains a ‘spell’, so by no means read out loud for there may be dangerous after effects)

With Selene being the mother of all vampires it is to speak ill of her. She is considered both mother and guardian angel among vampires.

Even though vampires are strictly made through each other (or seem to) though technically not a spell there are several poems in the “Vampire Bible” that are dedicated to Selene, and is a tradition to honror her as her Ambrogio did with poems. One of these poems seems to be a prayer to Selene asking specificly for her assistance in becoming a vampire, not exactly a spell but requesting the Vampire mother to send to the reader one of her children to turn them. The poem originally in Latin but I’ve found a version of it in english:

Ode to the Vampire Mother

Oh goddess of the darkness

mother to the immortal

let me be reborn as your child

let your light absorb my own

Allow me passage to the darkness

as from your immortal womb

into the arms of your children

to whom I will call brother

Oh moonlight

let me be reborn as your child

guide the dark ones to me

so I shall be born again.

Other ‘origins’ theories

The Christian version was when Kane killed Able he became the first vampire.

According to one hollywood writer’s imagination..In dracula 2000 The First vampire or ‘Dracula’ himself was actually Judas Iscariot, he who betrayed Jesus and the reason why he shuns the cross and silver (he betrayed God for come coins of Silver.)

In True blood (season 5) Lillith is the goddess of the vampires. Judas Iscariot is mentioned as well.



I don’t exactly have this book, but I have 2 of the dragonology books. I love them and well with all the vamire related books and parafanalia I have I don’t need this one but still want it (or at least to see a copy).

(I will have a link at the endso you can check out my favorite vampire related products. If you look this up, you can look through the book)


Vampire Heirarchy

(starting with youngest)



Sire (once you make another)







Vampires & their origins

in pop culture & ‘real life’

Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula was suppose to be based on Prince Vlad Dracul (see seal in the poll) but as i mentioned on my Scorpio lens he did not create the vampire myth, but was the first to modernize the superstition. The first of those that wrote a vampire at the center of their stories were Lord Byron and Dr. John A. Polidori (having a friendly contest with mary Shelley to write the best monster story). Legends & myth of vampires (in variations) have been around for along time from across the globe from Babylon to India, Egypt to the ancient greeks & chinese! So the vampire is truely an exotic creature. The original tales were that of demonic beings who fed on newborns or women to ‘live’ their afterlife, and nothing like the sexy seductive romanticisim of the vampires we have today.

The Ancients

The Wallachian Voivode (warlord or ) Prince Vladislav Dracul (1431-1476) otherwise Vlad Tepes (tse-pesh) terrorized the Balkans in order to keep the area from the Turks in the 1400s, he was also known for his fearsome reputation as ‘Vlad the Impaler’ for the cruely slow agonizing way he’d killed 40,000-100,000 (tho the later has been said to be a possible exaggeration). He killed any man woman or child who broke the strict moral code against lying, cheating, & stealing. Though he was quite cruel there’s stories that he’d drink the blood of his victims (most of them do) but few others say he was not known to drink their blood. Vlad is historically honored in Romania as a symbol of Nationalism as the man who defeated the Ottoman Turks. He was born in the Transylvanian town of Sighisoara. He and his brother Radu were hostages of the Turks for seven years learning from them lessons of Opression, terror, & humilitation. In 1448 Vald with the blessing of the Ottomans, was aloud to claim power in Wallachia, however he was overthrow quite soon and fled to Moldavia. In returned with the support of the Hungarians in 1456 and reigned until 1462. During this time is when he massacred thr thousands that got him his Impaler reputation. The wrath of the Ottomans was felt by 1462 and again Vlad fled to Hungary where; fearing his restlessness and willpower, King Matthias Corvinus (so that’s where that name in Underworld comes from) imprisoned him for twelve years and then in 1974 was aloud his freedom. He ressumed his rank of warlord in November of 1476, his enemies were too numerous at the time and he was killed. In death Vlad was a definitive role in Romanian legends. From rumors of his demise and his headless corpse that was supposedly buried at Snagov near Bucharest but tales say the grave is empty and that Vlad like a vampire had risen. One of these tales was that Vlad had gone into hiding to await the day he’d be needed again. Bram Stoker working on his Gothic novel Dracula and looking for a model for the character, came across Vlad’s information possibly around 1890. Dying under mysterious circumstances, his decapitated body never being recovered, his Name Drcul or Dracula having occult connotations & he enjoyed impaling people. Vlad was the perfect fit. There were no vampirism assossiations with Vlad, until his book in which his Van Helsing character declared that “Dracula was in truth Vlad Tepes” Originally The book was going to be titled the Un-dead but somewhere along the lines he or the publisher decided to change it to Dracula. This I take is the reason the squel by Dakre Stoker is title Un-dead.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed August 7, 1560- August 21, 1614

The Hungarian Countess was said to bathe in the blood of over 650 (the number is debated though) young girls said to be virgins (as that is suppose to be the blood with magical properties) and to be the way to keep her young looking. The “Blood Countess’ as she was called; was the most prolific female serial killer in history, and was not caught until she stopped praying on the peasant girls and targeting the ladies of lesser nobility. Elizabeth was never tried or convicted, but was bricked up in a set of rooms in (the now Slovakian) Csejte Castle now known as Cachtice in 1610. Four years later she met her death. She was originally burried in the Csejte church cemetery, but local villagers made an uproar so was moved to the Bathory family’s crypt in her birth home of Ecsed

Vampire Beauty .. get that Youthful pale look without the Blood Baths

The Elders 1800-1900sThe Novel Dracula is published in 1897, by Irish writer Bram Stoker.
And in more way than one ties into the The ZodiacImmortal

In the 1970’s Anne Rice a rookie writer wrote her vampire tale Interview with a Vampire, through the eyes and voice of the Character Louie and other vampires explaining their stories of deeply obsessive,high sensories and powers that only vampires come to know.


The Fledglings

In the 2000s Vampires became a big deal again. With a surgence of The Sookie Stackhouse series of books and the TV series base on it called True Blood (tho, those vampires would be Elders), The 1990’s Vampire Diaries Book series being turned into a CW tv series, (the vampires in here range from being Fledgling, to Anchient) and then there’s the lesser Twilight Cullen clan of the fangless variety (which basically are more Revenant then vampire though I HIGHLY doubt even Revenants sparkle. Now if that was in a err.. Alternative lifestyle type movie fine but otherwise… why don’t you just have Tinkerbell come & sprinkle the sparkle on them? Its just insulting to the rest of us.) The vampires in here Range from Fledgling Bella, right up the ranks to the Ancient Volturi.


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Vampires prove to be fascinated by particular persons

with engrossing vehemence resembling the passion of love. It will not desist until it has been satiated and its thirst quenched by the victim it covets

-the Moth Diaries

Vamp Vids

The guy in the Ray Ban commercial that forgot his sun-glasses.. (i’m not 100% sure) but at least looks to me like its Mig from Rockstar (inxs or Supernova forget which one he was in.)

Voltaire’s Vampire CLub.. as I was looking to see if there was an official video for it, I came across one with True Blood and being there’s actually a Vampre bar int hat show.. it was fitting so I hope you like the selection (if not let me know to find another)

Lady Venom well just watch the video closely

I still think I would have been WAAAY better in that Blade Bloodbath (trust me on that one!)







Into the Darkness- Vampire actors

Jonathan Frid (RIP 4-13-2012) Barnabus Collins

Bela Lugosi- Immortalized as Dracula

Vincent Price May 27 1911 – RIP 1993

VINCEntenical (price)

VINCEntenical  (price)
VINCEntenical (price)

Vincent Price

Vincent Leonardo Price Jr. (that has a really cool ring to it!) Was not only an actor but a writer as well. I’ve also seen the cover of a cookbook of his so I guess we can add gourmet to that as well. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri and studied at Yale. In 1938 he made his movie debut with Service se Luxe and perm=formed in many low budget horror movies. He’s had 3 wives and 2 children among them. Some of his most famous films are House on Haunted Hill, House of Wax, Theater of Blood (which I saw on the MOnster HD channel when it was available & man was that awesome looking in HD!) He was close friends with ‘Elvira’ (well I’m sure he was as I’m sure she showed many of his movies on her show. Price had a dark humor, and was a mischievious prankster.

He as well as Peter Lorre went to view Bela Lugosi’s body at his funeral upon which (as noted on IMDB.com) Lorre upon seeing the body quipped “I don’t suppose we should drive a streak through his heart? Just in case”

There are some actors (espicially those of the 20s -40s) who have just a photo or 2 alone that is iconic. there are at least 3 of Vincent price I find to be so. Then there is the ‘painting’ I came across of him as Doctor Strange from Marvel Comics which I think is a perfect fit!


Passing Tributes

See Dracula day for more Bela Lugosi & other ‘Dracula’ related items


It’s the official start of the 13 Fright nights of Halloween  13-frights-of-halloween/


‘Living’ Vampires

Christopher Lee May 27, 1922

Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee was born May may 27 1922 10 years after Vincent Price! (I find this highly amusing for some reason)

Here is an interview with Christopher Lee for his movie The Wicker Man

Vampire Society

Clans, Covens, broods, Nests and guilds

When vampires are actually sociable creatures, there’s a variety of names for groupings of vampires.

Clans are usually referred to for a family of vampires like the Cullen clan or Denali clan in the Twilight series.

Broods has also been used as vampires brood around. Covens are larger groups (say for instance the gathering of the Denali & Cullen Clan together) as for Guilds, those are more something along the lines of a Vampires Annoymous club.

Vampire society in ways is much like humans, they are not all aristocrats. There are those by ther standards that are the trash of the species. They have their own heirarchy and different breeds or species if you will (like how we have different nationalities). Most of this is sadly unknown to humans except for a very rare few trusted ones and then they are ‘Blood Oath’ to never share the inner workings for instance of the overall populaton, or just of the clans and covens upon pain of death.

The humans that are, (depending on what clan and breed they are with) lucky enough to have this honor are family, friends, or love when they were turned and even be a familiar. These humans are no longer bound by human laws. They answer only to vampire law. They are seen and accepted (except the familiar) as a fellow vampire without (unless they want to) being turned

Gangrel former wrestler

Gangrel former wrestler

Finding the picture of the wrestler Gangrel the name rings a bell. I think Gangrel may be one of the RPG clans (I have thumbed through a book or 2 but never read those so whatever coven names I come up with if its the same as those its just a coincidence, but would like to know.

Real Covens & Clans

New York Underground

Ontario Vampires

Order of the Crimson Tounge

Bloodlines International


House Byron


House Crimson Moon

New York Conventus immortalis

House Eclipse

House Orleans

Sabertooth (Paris)


Vampires are frightening creatures in true legends, though they have lost, errr… some fang ,so to speak over the centuries.

Bela Lugosi you could say started the ‘Hollywood hunks of hematophagy’ laying the suave, charming, debonair, sophisticated bad boy romantacized vampire.

The vampire population has been taking over more and more as well as evolving over the years. From the 2 fanged Dracula, to the rat like Nosfratu, ghoulishly razorsharp more piranha that vampire to others that sparkle, and only have human teeth.

lately the vampire is the anti-hero winning over the audience, some being self loathing of their vampire side and still try to be human. Some are the children of Kings like Henry Fitzroy in Bloodties and others are cops like Nick Knight in Forever Night Or Alex O’laughlin in Moonlight.

Some are like regular joes and are waitresses, entrepreneurs of Clubs or lawyers, politicians & so on. (Nice metaphors with the last 2)

Some movies or tv series have shown them as isolated ‘territorial’ beings, others as a community and even more so some with a heirarchy kings, queens Politicians and so forth. There’s the cutesy vampire stories for children one in which may have been the reson I’ve been a vampire fan since I was very young! Bunnicula! Other than my bedtime stories book, its the only singular storybook I remember reading. Movies like the Little Vampire and a variety of others. Now there’s DracuLaura of Monster high (WHY weren’t these out when I was a kid? I would have forgone the Barbies!) and all her ghoulish friends (like Hyde, Jeckyl, lagoona, and others.)

So weather your first set of fangs grows out as a toddler or later on more likely as a teen once you’ve been fanged most likely you’ll be in the family for eternity (unless you’re staked)

As the Vampire line goes on some traditionalists still sleep in their coffins (pimped out I’ll bet), while others just find a nice bed in a dark basement.

Crosses or other religious icons and running water no longer work, some may be able to travel by day and others only by night. One way or another We all still feed on Blood or some other form of Life energy like the Psychic vampire.

Recently watched a season 8 episode of Supernatural where the Vampires would hunt on the sea. & Dean (& myself was like) What You got to be kidding me you you mean you were vamPIRATES!?!?!!? (LOL)

 The Blood is the life – Dracula

My Favorite Stamp EVER!

My Favorite Stamp EVER!

Names for Vampire Males




Vlad (Vladimir)






Are Vampires Real? – click the pic for the bigger version

Other Assorted information

What Dark and hidden parts of our psyche are aroused and captivated by the legends of the undead?


Vampire 411

The Database

There has been a variety of ways (theories) on turning into a vampire, other than being a ‘pureblood’ These are the following (along with other assorted information) as well as other vampire lore.

I’ve included the topics here as a list to see each more favorably.

I’ve come along a quote from a movie I recently saw called the Moth Diaries, I copied it down as quick as I could to include here.

“Vampires prove to be fascinated by particular persons; with engrossing vehemence resembling the passion of love. It will not desist until it has been satiated and its thirst quenched by the victim it covets”

Being Bitten wasn’t the only way to turn

In the 19th century vampires supposedly arose from the bodies of dead people whose lives went awry in variety of ways.

Some folklore states if you died without being seen, you become a vampire

Your fate could have been doomed from the womb , if your mother crossed paths with a black cat or didn’t eat salt. If you were born premature, out of wedlock, or with an extra nipple or extra hair (or just with red hair). Born with hair or a ‘red caul’ when you died the villagers, thinking you as unnatural, would watch your grave for signs of vampirism. Those who dined on the meat of sheep that had been killed by wolves were fated for fangs and if someone cursed you or suspected you of sorcery (black magic) you were likely to pop up out of your crypt and also if you didn’t receive a proper burial you’d end up in the bloodthirsty state.

Some age old Vampire ‘repellents’

Garlic, crosses, holy water, running water (like a stream they couldn’t cross, this seems a runing theme for the dead like the headless horseman)

Vampires can be Obsessive compulsive perfectionists, so by the rules of folklore they will feel the need to count every single seed (mostly poppy or sesame were used) before it can go on its way.

Spread tar around your window and door in the shape of a cross

with this the people thought that when the blood sucker would try sneaking in he would get stuck on the tar and would perish to a rising sun.

Vampires avoid plants with healing & mystical properties like Garlic (kills germs) Aloe Vera, vervain (like in Vampire Diaries) which helps keeps them from compelling (or enthralling) you. and they had distaste for wild rose and Hawthorne too.

There’s some legends that say a vampire could only be killed by a steak made of Ash or Hawthorn (& no other would work) This is shown in the vampire Diaries tv series with The Originals that are only able to be killed by one particular tree’s wood. An ancient oak that was burned after they were turned. The Originals’ could only be killed (well more like put to rest than killed) by The White Oak steaks that were made from the tree when they were still human. This was because that tree had something to do with them being turned.

There’s been other tales of items said to spook vampires like Bells ringing, holy symbols (besides crosses) rain, falling snow & of course fire and if you are really desperate eating the dirt from their grave may also help stave off an attack

ON RARE occasionsome are simply turned but haven’t died to become a vampire (usually a pureblood birth) sometime just drank the blood (or enough of a vampires’ but did not die, yet may have plenty of vampire ‘symptoms’

Wooden steaks Ash or Hawthorne is the only wood to kill a vampire with (or some at least some folklore)

Eye color Depending on the age, a vampire’s eyes can change over time.

From Death (grey/silver) Blue to Blood red or Elder Black & Ancient Frost (-ed over)

Then there’s also the yellow color eyes of the vampires (which are considered minor demons) in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The older the more powerful the more tricks up its sleeve!

All vampires have basic powers they have when they first turn. They can enthrall one to do their bidding, super strength and speed.

Over time they can Shape shift (most commonly turn into Bats, wolves or crows) turn to Mist/fog even fly

What kills a vampire?the Sun (or UV ray has been used) – what faster way to decompose a dead body?

Silver-I forget the lore behind this but I think it had something to do with coins.

It’s also the reason vampires do not show up in film photos.

wooden steak through the heart


the fist vampiresKane & Lillith (our version of adam & eve)

Saguinista- (still trying to get a good handle on the definition)

think it is those that ‘mainstream’ which in lthe True Blood tv series (the Sookie Stackhouse series of books) drink the synthetic blood

This I think can also be to whatever blood aside from human a vampire will use

Saguiniariana vampire that feeds off or human blood

Revenants are not Human, but not quite vampire (maybe like half vampire) some come off as being zombies which in a way they maybe in a way. They are below vampires, but above zombies like borderline for each. A ‘Corpreal spirit if you will, but still have the thirst for blood

It may happen to those without religious backgrounds that ‘do not find the “one & only” god’ IF a revenant does not drink blood they will keep decomposing. Where for a vampire they’ll just starve and dry out until they get some blood again.

Being Turned -some variations

It may depend on the vampire species breed, scientists are not sure but here are a few ways one is given the dark gift

*sometimes you just need to be bitten & that’s all other times

*You get bitten & need to drink the vampires blood

*even both of the above & then die

*sometimes you just need a taste of the vampire’s blood & nothing more (no bite or anything) most commonly it has something to do with the transference of blood.

*sometimes one of the above have to take place Under the apex of the full moon

CureThe only ‘cure’ if one of the above occurred to you is you must kill the head vampire

*though sometimes some come up with a garlic & silver cure when the person is still human and before they have tasted human blood.

Lonely creatures normally they are loners but there are times when existence gets to be too much and they search for a companion. There’s other times where they exist in Covens & clans

Lapis Lazuli

This beautiful Blue stone that was used in Egypt to decorate a pharos’ sarcophagus

also has a bit of vampire lore. It helps them walk in the sun; get a witch, they say a spell over it (as far as vampire diaries goes, but I do recall it being in folklore)

Vampire ‘politics’ & laws

it is ‘illegal’ for a vampire to kill one of thier own kind. This is Punishable upon being put to ground, true death, or even making another vampire or 2.

a vampire cannot enter a private residence without an invitation from one of its residents. However fraternity houses Bording houses & other ‘public’ types do not count also if its abandoned they can get in.

That invitation in used to have to come from the man of the house, but now it seems anyone living in the house, sometimes even friends that do not! So be careful

The older the vampire the more powerful they are

The head vampire if you kill him, some of the folklore says all those he turned will turn human again, but most of them are that they all die

Fledglings & other Young vampirestend to change their surroundings a lot from room decor to cities

once they become older (‘jaded’ dare I say) to their ‘gift’ or ‘curse’ depending on their Point of view that novelty wears off.

MetaphorsVampires are often used as a metaphor for sex, or STDs, and other times like in the past, for plagues (Black, Beubonic, Consumtion).

Sleeping death vampires are either dead by day as they fell the ‘pull’ of dawn or with some of the newer portrayals never sleep at all. Staying behind dark curtains or in the basement while reading or something else to entertain themselves

If a vampire left his homeland he would have to bring homeland soil and put it in his casket.

Now they just sleep in coffin like beds if even that.

Turning into a vampire amplifies your personality

let’s put it this way, if you were perky in life, most likely a vampire would not turn you! Either that or once you have become one we’d end up killing you.

If you were a drug addict, your bloodlust would be insatiable

Vampire Witch- It varies for instance in Vampire Diaries you cannot be a witch & a vampire as if you are turned you will no longer have y our witch powers. While on the other hand… there has been quite a few times in movies and books that have portrayed the vampire as a witch warlock or wizard. In their own way with what powers they possess (ie: The basic Package) they are.

Vampire Zombie Vampires This I’ve noted as during an epidode of the ‘Talking Dead’ (comes on after Walking Dead) Joe Maginello of True Blood was on & Chris Hardwicke the host asked something (really fast I couldn’t catch) about Zombies turning into vampires turning into Zombies.

Anyway here’s the deal… Zombies cannot turn into vampires as they are already dead period just reanimated in someway & vampires do not eat dead blood (which makaes them sick if not kills them …yeah I know it doesn’t explain the bloodletting between a vampire couple) anyway However if a Vampire turns someone they can (in the case of the Blade movie) become a zombie of sorts or a Revenant which is like a cross between a vampire and a zombie. As for an already turned vampire becoming a zombies …..it remains to be seen.

Vampire Database

VAmpire 411 part 2

Numbing the Blood Lust

Vampires (as far as Vampire Diaries goes) are able to parlay the thirst by drinking spirits of the alcoholic variety. Normally their kind are not able to get drunk in this fashion, other than if they drink the blood from an intoxicated human

A ‘Parent’ vampire, most of the time is called a Master or Sire but sometimes there is a difference

Sire Normally a Sire is the Vampire who made you.

‘Sire Bond’ you are bound to your sire until they decide to ‘release’ you of their will (as you cannot refuse a direct command from them) & let you out from under their power or when they meet true death, this version is shown in the series True Blood. In Vampire Diaries, (the show at least) the sire bond doesn’t always happen, usually it has to be a really powerful vampire or the one that was turned is in love with their sire. Neither the sire nor their ‘child’ may notice this. The Sire can unintentionally compell the ‘child’ if they say ‘They can’t ‘ do something they normally are able, they no longer can, & if parent vampire says I want…they will have their wish.

Re-siring In some cases Vampires can be re-sired. There’s a Whole ritual that goes into it but you even gain their family’s powers. Its rare you hear about this, but for one example check out Yasmine Galenorn’s Otherworld Novel Shadow Rising (Yasmine has given me permission to explain the re-siring ritual I may start it here first, and if too much then may note it in another section if there’s room I will see what’s best. )

Basically If you change the blood you change the siring, but vampires do this with much thought, and usually never again. This re-siring or breaking of a blood bond is done without pain for either side bonded side, so long as you have not had sex or the vampire drnk the blood of the one bound to them it can be broken. ITs not being turned again as you are already dead and until final death cannot do so again. So the ritual does not renact a turning.

Some items you will need:

(Clear) Goblet, sterling Silver knife w/ bone handle, 1 large pillar candle (I’d have to check if red white or black) table/altar, 2 pillows to kneel on with the elder vamp (or new sire) on left and the vampire to be resired to their right. Ylang Ylang & Jasmine inscense.

Why Vampires Drink Blood

Usually this answer varies by story or type of vampire. Some vampires being the traditional blood suckers other being psychic. If you want comparative answer: blood for the vampire is the Electricity charge for Frankenstein; this what keeps them animated. Usually blood is in the vampires body & depending on being fiction or non-fictional vampire may be need to feed every night, or once a week. Taking usually no more than a pint, (or a little from various donors if they need more) Blood is a symbol of life in Folkloric and fictional vampies meanwhile vampires of other cultural legends are thought to not drink blood but life energy.

Scientifically… Vampires’ blood kills hemoglobin (your red blood cells) which carry the oxygen through your system. This does the same for them, even though they may not need oxygen to breathe, but it keeps their muscles from stiffening and what oxygen they need in their body to fake out humans they can look as though as they breathe, until their own blood destroys the hemoglobin again & needs more blood.

As far as to digestion, they do not sweat (not normally) or excrete etc. in other manners so like water left near a hot radiator it evaporates or gets burned off as they use their ‘powers’

Vampire DOnor Database  *  Vampire Rave Database * Vampire Palace  * vampirefreaks.com


Lamia Lamia is an old word for Vampire. In the Night World series books, Lamia are vampires that are born NOT made. They are direct decendents of Maya which in this series is the first vampire ever. Normally are named for things in nature and their family ‘crests’ are usually some sort of black flower, the same with their clubs, normally hidden to the human eye and named after black flowers.

Nests When vampires live together and drink each others’ blood it creates a nest. (See True Blood season 5 theirs as Pam says is on Steroids!)


Depending on Hollywood, and creative imaginations:

*Cannot Kill their own, freezing in place when trying to do so “Only the living can Kill the Undead” -line from Abraham Lincoln vampire Hunter

* Other times yes it can happen and is just as punishable by vampire law as those of mortals. However the vampire ‘Government’ is arranged, like Sheriffs, Sires, ancients etc like in True Blood decide upon the punishment, 2 of which are:

-To make a new vampire

-or go to ground for some amount of years and sometimes even both.

Vampire hearts beat so slowly it’s rhythm is imperceptible mortals


Writing a Vampire story?

Words usually used in Clan & Coven names (besides Clan & Coven)

Horde * brood * Nation

House * Order *coalition

Nexus * Alliance *Nest

Court * Guild * Enclave

Connection * Association

Consortium * Federation

Vampire Punch

  • Cherries (or other fruit) 1 cup muddled and 1/2 cup whole
  • Vodka 1 liter bottle
  • 1 1/2 cup Cherry Liquor
  • 1 1/2 cup Grenedine
  • splash (or 2) lemon juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • *Optional seltzer water or Canada Dry Ginger Ale (for a smooth flavor)

 Want to know what the zodiacimmortal is?

(you’ll have to scroll down a bit for that section)



He’s a vampire. We’re a Predatory Species. We don’t have time to care about humans and their silly little lives.

 -Rebeka Vampire Diaries season 3

Mark of the Vampire Queen

1- can Track Geographically

2-access mind whenever desires

3-gives soul (bond ) to full servant

these are the terms of the bond in the book

Mark of the Vampire Queen

Vampire wrestler Kevin Thorn

Vampire wrestler Kevin Thorn

Bite Me

If there’s a remake of the movie the character is from, & you prefer the other one pleae note it in the poll comments

Who’s Your favorite Vampire

  • Aiden Being Human (U.S.)
  • Angel (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
  • Barnabus Collins (Dark Shadows)
  • Bill Compton (True Blood)
  • Blade (Blade Trilogy)
  • Dingbat Dog
  • Count Duckula
  • Bunnicula
  • Claudia (Interview with a vampire)
  • The Count (Sesame Street)
  • Elizabeth Bathory
  • Damon Salvatore (Vampire Diaries)
  • Darla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Marco (Lost Boys)
  • Decon Frost (Blade)
  • Dracula (Bela Lugosi Dracula 1930s)
  • Drucilla (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
  • Eric Northman (True Blood)
  • Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties)
  • Jerry (Fright Night)
  • Jesse (Near Dark)
  • Jessica (True Blood)
  • Josef (Moonlight)
  • Katherine Pierce/Petrova (Vampire Diaries)
  • Klaus (Vampire Diaries)
  • Fin (Vampire Diaries)
  • Kol (Vampire Diaries)
  • Rose (Vampire Diaries)
  • Lexi (Vampire Diaries)
  • Lestat (Queen of the Damned)
  • Marcus Van Sciver (Blade tv Series)
  • Mick St. John (Moonlight)
  • Stefan Salvatore (Vampire Diaries)
  • Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)
  • David (The Lost Boys)
  • Russell Edgington (True Blood)
  • Pam (True Blood)
  • Selene (Underworld series)
  • Willow as a vampire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Severen (Near Dark)
  • Viktor (underworld)
  • Spike (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
  • Nick Knight (Forever Knight)
  • Dracula (Gerad Butler Dracua 2000)
  • Lacroix (Forever Knight)
  • Dracula (Christopher Lee in Hammer Fims)
  • Dracula (Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker’s Dracula)
  • Drake (Blade Trinity)
  • Vlad Dracul aka Vald the Impaler



The ‘REAL” Dracula


Wrestler Vampiro

Wrestler Vampiro
Wrestler Vampiro

Vampire Detection & Slayer kit

Vamps keep away!

The following is a list of items you can use to repell or tell if someone is a vampire.

I can’t promise you that all or any will work in this current day & age as the new generations of vampires seem immune to most of them.

  • Garlic Spritz (mase) using a mortar & pestel or a food processor ‘mash’ garlic to a paste of potency.Put this in a bottle and add water. (holy water can be used as well if that will make you feel safer)
  • Holly I do not recall any thing at all on this.
  • Bell (small one) I don’t recall the lore on this but I think it may have something to do in the old days when somoene would be pronunced dead, but actually be alive. A bell on a pole would be placed at the grave site and a string from the bell to the wrist of the dead that if they woke, they villagers could dig them back up.
  • Pocket Mirror If you can’t see them in it They’re a vampire as the dead cast no reflection.Also there’s that little thing about Silver and Vampires ….& Mirrors have silver in them.
  • Cross Traditionally repelled by crosses however 21st Century vampires seem have no problem with it.This could possibly be because they are so far removed from the legends that note why they flee at the site of Religious icons.One of these legends is Dracula having been banished (I forget the term) from the church) Another version is Kane is the original vampire (but I forget the rest)
  • Vervain has a burning effect on their skin and will weaken them if they drink it.Will also protect you (if kept on your person via necklace bracelet etc) from getting mind controlled by one.
  • Silver usually has a burning effect and can kill them to turn them to ash. (However I cannot promise it will work on all types of vampires)

The Brood – consisted of Gangrel, Edge & Christian.

a 2nd brood was formed of Gangrel & the Hardy Brothers! (Jeff I can see as a vampire.. but not Matt)

Vamp female names





More Baby Names

Fang Fight

Is Killing a vampire Murder or not

Party Time!

Duncan Hines is the BEST Red Velvet cake in my P.O.V. I’ve never come across one made from scratch that tasted as good, moist rich & smooth!

Plus the ADDED bonus of it looking like you just fed on someone’s neck! (the reson I call it Blood cake)

If you don’t want to make cake.. check out my Ravishing Red Velvet Recipes lens

Fang out & sit down for a Fang fest!

Amazon.com Widgets

#1 The Lost Boys

Near Dark

Dracula Untold

Fright Night

The Hamiltons

Salem’s Lot


Queen of the Damned

From Dusk til Dawn


The Forsaken



The Perfect Creature & Vampire Journals I have in my DVD collection though if I haven’t included them I have to re-watch so they are not on the official list yet

by all means… KEEP away from these!!


For those of you that like to DIY your own decorations or just scrapbook, I thought this vampire hunter journal was pretty cool

 Bloody swag

pictured here are some of my favorite vampire products, some I own and others I still have to purchase (like that Coffin & the drum stick case)

A friend of mine had the stationery set and used it for one of my letters. The designs are basically Vampire Romance novel images but in a tasteful fashion

My favorite Vampire items and Suggestions via Amazon Widgets

#24 Zombies Shuffling



WARNING: Zombie Zone

They’re coming to get you Barbra

The famous words spoken in the cemetery in the original Night of the Living Dead

Zombies aren’t necessarily created by toxic waste (but I’m NOT willing to find out…although I do have an Ex-I dubbed the “Zombie Faced Freak of Nature’ being he used to bite my head like one! 🙂 lol) or some virus etc. Zombies are usually created in Haiti with voodooo (or is it hoodoo) by a witch or BOKOR. Their Souls becoming trapped in limbo and their bodies forever cursed. This kind are literally mindless, as the person who created them controls them; They don’t speak, other than maybe a UUUGH (groan) and do walk slow.

click on images for credit or to enlarge

Attack Kit & Warning System

Zombie 411

Do you really think you’d walk or even run after being in the ground filled with embalming fluid and even if so, rigamortis which stiffens your muscles (which would be very lacking depending how long you’ve been in the ground, like what happens to those with an injury & not using those muscles) think of it as Arthritis in death. It would slow you down as well as depending on how much you’ve decayed. Then there’s the skeletal zombies where they almost desintergrate as they walk.

Well now with the way zombie movies are, some of them move quite fast, even run, they seem to have their lively wits about them, using cell phones, remembering how tools are used and more.

some tell-tale signs there’s a zombie about…Look amongst your friends, do any of them have glassy eyes &/or a horse voice (if if they’ve been screaming alot)? Have no personality & excessively drool? (esp. when you duck your head down near them?) Then you’ve got a zombie on your hands…

In the movies some zombies have been created by Toxic Waste. (think return of the living dead) They are created by Intergalatic radioactivity, industrial waste (think Toxic Avenger, though those are more B-grade comedy) Military canisters with labels reading “WARNING DO NOT INHALE” certain heavy metal bands, and too much tv or video games. The college students with all Too many All nighters, and those exessively on their mobile phones. These radio active zombies seem that the contamination makes their appetites more ferocious, makes them stronger & they don’t have to worry about rotted limbs falling off,or rotting for that matter.

Someone that has been Exposed to Zombies (a bite, or inhalation of a leak from said cannister) will show symptoms of:

a Headach, stomach cramping, arms & legs cramping (rigormortis setting in) Freezing Cold, bruising all over the body, No blood pressure, pulse, or other vital signs.

Being folowed by a zombie?

Run & DO NOT Look back. If you come across some sort of sports helmet or hard hat… stick it on your head & make sure its strapped down! (this is a good idea to add to your Zombie Apocolypse bug iut bag!)

Voodoo zombies can be killed by salt, while regular zombies should be bashed or shot in the head destroying the brain. Some have tried buring Zombies, but this is not a safe method as if its the mutated kind…they’ll just multiply from the fumes of the radioactivity burning off them.

Know the Signs of infection

Zombie Agility Workout


you should check into putting together your own Emergency Zombie response bug out bag!

Bug out bag – What is a Bug out bag

A Bug Out bag is an emergency bag, some are for a single person or family with food water clothes & other emergency supplies (depending on area etc) to use. They can be for 72 hours or just a general. Below you will find my long time & all terain bag contents

see some Survival Hacks here like Using *crayons as candles,

*pop tops for fish hooks, Floss for fishing line, Tie up things out of reach of animals or bundling together, (& more) *Another spin on the altoids tin candle,

* orang oil lamp,

*Bright colored DUCT Tape (Multi use!) Marking a trail, Rope, waterproofing, tape together shelter, or tent closed, Repair shoes CLothes & items,

*Bandana MUti Use (water filter, a bright color can be used to signal for help, Sling, mask or tourniquet, Keep neck warm & shield from sun

*Garbage bag rain coat, shelters, Keep belongings dry,

*Shoe polish as a fire starter

*Watch as a compass (analog watch.. that means the ones that are not digital)

*Ziplock bags as a waterproof cell phone case

*Mirror tick finder, Signal for help & firestarter (Glass also works to start fires)

*Chalk for marking trail


Survival Goods –

Besides watching the Walking dead and now Z Nation….

Time to ‘Bug out’ Survival kit.. – START PACKING

Zombie Appocolypse Bug Out bag essentials

Axe, Machete, foldable ‘survival’ shovel


at least 50-100 feet of good rope (nylon Paracord) & Hiking D-clips

Lantern (a major amount of matches in waterproof kit, butane lighter or Magnesium firestarter to m ake a fire for warmth & light)


Some fishing line, clips & Hooks/ lures (or kit)

Survival/Emergency blankets

SE KC5006S 4-Inch Camping Steel Detachable Knife

snare wire

sewing kit

100 Hour Plus Emergency Candle Clear Mist (try having a few)


Duct tape

Facemasks (like Doctors wear) in case it’s airborne

Gloves (work)

Batteries (alot in all sizes)

Orange vest (you don’t want anyone thinking your a Zombie when they’re hunting)



Playing cards (need some entertainment)

Small tool kit.. 2 kinds screw drivers, wrench hammer etc.

Quart & Gallon ‘glad’ bags

Extra set of clothes or 2 (& a few extra underwear!)

Mirror (for signalling)

(How to tie) Knot book

Something that will make noise (like bells or cans) Tie together at night (far away but close enough to hear) in case zombies are creeping nearby

Food & Water

Water treatment tablets

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

Waterbottle (refillable.useable)

swiss army knife

Mess kit

Pocket stove Esbit Ultralight Folding Pocket Stove with Six 14g Solid Fuel Tablets

Can opener

Tactical Scenario Vest might be a good idea for those little items, ammo & such to keep at hand!


FOOD non-perishable

MRE Star Ready to Eat Complete Meals w/ Flameless Heaters

Protein Bars


some candy to keep up the blood sugar

seasoning packs (salt, pepper, sugar)

Tea bags

Tactical vest (optional… but may be easier to carry the smaller stuff as well as to have it at hand!)

Mini Scan Radio with Headphones and Batteries –

CRKT Eat’N Tool Minimal Multi-Tool

Rechargeable Squeeze, crank or shakeable Flashlight –

(This looks liek a good one) Kaito KA404 Emergency Hand Crank Dynamo 5-LED Flashlight with AM/FM radio

5-in-1 Survival Whistle

2 Chemical Light Sticks /Flares

Emergency Poncho with Hood –

2 Hand Warmers & 2 Foot Warmers Tools: –

14 function style pocket tool for times when you need more than a pocket knife.

Hygiene (Toiletries, hand sanitizer Tissues, razor comb/brush Toothbrush/paste/mouthwash Deo etc Q@-tips cotton balls/pads)

Sanitation kits -Toilet paper sanitary wipes (if with kids + diapers) Tampons/pads

First Aid Kit

Q-tips cotton balls/pads

Tounge Depressors

Gauze pads (various sizes)

Medical tape

band aids

elastic bandages (for sprains, twist & breaks)

Alcohol/paroxide etc like pads

Antibiotic gel

Butterfly bandages

sting relief

Bug Spray (with deet.. the more the better)

Safety pins



Bow & arrows (Quite, won’t attract more)

The best way to quietly disparse a Zombie from long range is a cross bow.. it’s quiet & won’t attract more attention, otherwise you will have to get close and chance being bit.

Gun- Loud and will attract more

Long sword/Machete or katana blade (again Quiet)

SECONDARY Weapon – a 6 inch knife/Dagger or longer

resourceful weapons-

Large pieces of concrete or rocks to bash heads in

Tree Branch use as club. (heck widdle it into a sword or bat)

(and don’t forget PLENTY of ammo for the gun)

Read more   Best supplies for zombie Apocalypse

Survival instructions

Zombie Classification – from the Crawling to the Walking dead

Some move slow some still seem to retain an IQ. Just always remember Blunt force trauma or shot to the head!

Steps to a Zombie Attack – (Click pic to open & click again to zoom in)

Zombie Proof your home – click to enlarge

Dead walking

entertainment -all though it’s never boring in the Zombie apocalypse and you must always be on alert, there are down times you do get to relax. As for watching videos I’d advise to be sure you watch as many zombie movies you can in preparation



Night of the Living Dead

Return of the Living Dead

Day of the Dead

28 Days Later

Warm Zombies (I know it’s not really horror but it’s different from other zombie movies)

Dead Snow & the sequel (Red vs Dead)

Dead Snow [Blu-ray]

This was a GREAT movie. I love watching it everytime its on.

Just to note it’s Norweigan so you will either need to watch subtitles or turn the dubbing on.


Suggested Zombie movies on Amazon.com


Walking Dead

Z nation (on Syfy)

iZombie (coming to the CW)



Green innovations to help survive a Zombie attack – Click to enlarge

Zombie Outbreak statistics poster

Survival (work) Sheet – Build your own team



Weapons expert





Car guy


The Dunce (always wondering what’s going on)

The First to die

The Klutz or bad things happen to most but stays alive

Bites zombies (um.. yeah which would = them eventually turning to one!)

Zombie Danger Dartboard – print out & pin-up

but if you plan to leave the house.. be sure to pack your darts & bring along)

Know your Foe – Destroy the BRAIN at first site!

Emergency procedures

Critical Survival Skills

Survival Transportation

My preferance would be a tank.. but the closest would be a Hummer! I wouldn’t need a tent & could sleep in it! Plus… It can hold the motorbike & if I’ve got a car guy.. he can soup up the engine to be a sports car like one. (or at least maybe get some NOS system on there. The only problem with vehicle transport is.. Well GAS! Eventually it will no longer be made, & the pumps (unless there’ a generator for electric) won’t work So be sure you also have a couple gas cans for refills.

The gas can also be used for Moltov ‘cocktails’ to put a fire barrier between you & the zombies just be sure you speed off before they get near the vehicle or you if you are outside of it still.

Ships are good, but once the food runs out there, are you going to swim back to shore?

Outbreak steps

Defense Station

Defense guide

How to Survive ‘bookmark’ – a bit serious & comical

Infografic to survive zombies

Would you Survive? – (Click pic to open then click again to zoom)

Survival Worksheet

Survival Game 2

More Zombie related fodder

Also look for

*Zombie Felties: How to Raise 16 Gruesome Felt Creatures from the Undead by Nicola Tedman, Sarah Skeate,

*The Zombie Survival Guide: How to Live Like a King After the Outbreak by Etienne Guerin DeForest &

*The Zombie’s Survival Guideby Calvin A. L. Miller II




Zombie Hunting Permits & Team games – Choose your style

Now you can choose whichpermit you’d like

How to tell if you are a zombie



see https://zodiacimmortal.wordpress.com/13-frights-of-halloween/

#23 Demonic Horror


As if you didn’t know it already; demons are malevolent  ‘spirits’ that have never been human, and are considered an unclean spirit or fallen angel (The fallen angel part I don’t think is quite correct as the Devil Lucifer is said to be a fallen angel., I forget the whole story but something about he was jealous of the humans, that his father gave them attention and not the angels as much and he just wanted to love his father or get his love). Demons can be conjured and thought to be controlled but you are wrong if you think you can control them. They just let you think so, until they have enough of strength to make you do their bidding.  If one is being possessed I know you need to find out the name of the demon who is possessing the person as to know the ‘true name’ is to have ‘control’ over that entity (or person).  Demons are able to not only possess people, but objects as well (because they were never living beings) Demons and Devils are known to trick humans especially those using a Ouija board to contact a dead loved one and one reason you should NEVER ask if anyone specific is there for one and two always go into using one (at least with one other person) with  positive thoughts and vibes. (see the post on the Ouija board a few days back)


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon     * The origins of demons   * underworld_demons


Signs of a possession

to start you get a feeling of oppression


changes in personality (normally talkative gets really quiet, active becomes isolative)

Sudden weight gain or loss

becomes very hateful, angry

Curses a lot when they normally don’t

become abusive and violent hurting animals and people alike

black out in memory

Changes in voice can become very guttural

Premonitions or ‘retro’ knowing the future or something from the past they should not know about.

More Warning signs of Demonic Possession 



how-to-perform-an-exorcism/ * do-it-yourself-exorcism/  * non-denominational-deliverance.html * basic-house-blessing.html




The Exorcist  I think to this day is possibly what most would consider the ‘scariest’ demonic possession movie ever. When m om makes Pea soup.. I ask her if she’s making ‘Exorcist soup’

Supernatural season 10 brings us a DEANmon thanks to Dean being marked by Kane in season 9 and using the original blade way too much

Best-Demonic-Possession-Movies  *  Top-10-Demon-Movies.html


Ikea Shining inspired commercial


#22 Guardians of the Night


(accidentally posted a day early,  hope you enjoy)

Gargoyles comes in many shapes and forms, from the evil looking to as cute as a kitty.

They are the guardians of buildings and the residents within. They serve a dual purpose  to keep away evil spirits and they hold a spout to siphon water off the roof away from a building’s walls.  There’s a bit of technicality in the term as any stone carving that does not carry water and has a face that resembles a creature is actually called a ‘grotesque’.

You can find  gargoyles all over the world from medieval buildings to College campuses.

From my research the earliest reference to gargoyles dates to 600 A.D. Some historians say that  the gargoyles upon churches represent sinister spirits which the church held victory over in the middle ages. The creatures frozen in stone serve as a reminder of the punishments faced by outlaws.

The Gargoyle gets his name from  the French word gargouille meaning throat or gullet and gargariser meaning to gargle, the sound that gargoyles make when slurping water. The Notre Dame Cathedral in France features many of the little fiendish statues.  There  is a wide assortment of various demon, and animal looking creatures.  This is just one angle of part of the cathedral.

Here’s just one example of a building with the many different forms Gargoyles take

The Italians call them doccione o gronda sporgente “Protruding gutter’ and the Germans wasserspeier “water spitter.

Egytians were one of the first (if not the first) civilizations to use gargoyles as part of their architecture, the only thing is all of theirs look like pouty, sad lions. The job of Egyptian gargoyles was much the same as regular ones, to hide ugly waterspouts from passersby, even those out of human site would be adorned with a gargoyle to please their gods.  The Chrysler building in New York City’s gargoyles are stainless steel, and represent the Machine age (of the 1920’s). On the sixty first floor hangs the Plymouth hood ornament in it’s own gargoyle form.

Usually made of stone or terracotta, but get weathered and ruined over the years, those that have survived are likely made of limestone or marble.

_Legend of La Gargouille  

Me with my Gargoyle  friend in my Aunt’s yard


I mentioned in my review for Annabelle that the ‘demon’ looked more like a gargoyle to me, well in the blink and you miss it shot I swear this is what it looked like

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyle   * www.medieval-life-and-times.info/gargoyles.htm


Gargoyles are all over the Harry Potter series! Re-read the books or watch the movies and count all the times you see or hear the Minister of Magic exclaim  “Galloping gargoyles” about them.  I believe back in the 1990’s there was a Disney cartoon called Gargoyles. In the 2013 move I, Frankenstein it seemed more about Gargoyles then on the scientist’s creation.

In my favorite book series The Other World series by Yasmine Galenorn the characters saved a baby gargoyle a while back. However it’s not the stone sort, the cat looking creature is from the woodland realms of Otherworld and the girls save it from being demon lunch.

I’m curious to know, if every animal grouping has a name like Kittens are a ‘kindle’ (yes like the e-reader) and Army of Ants.. would it be a ‘Grim’ of  Gargoyles?





Did you know that a group of Owls  is called a parliament?

The our local river, the Hudson River Museum years back  had a Birds of Prey show. Here’s is the little owl. He was so cute. Sadly I missed the Horned owl which can be quite intimidating looking.

 (more https://myspace.com/shedevilherald/photos)





#21 Jack O’Lantern


Carve a pumpkin tonight (any earlier it may go bad).


History of the Jack O’ Lantern

The History of my Friend Jack O’lantern

The story of the Jack lantern hails from Ireland, where a character at a pub is partaking in some spirits of the wet variety. This character’s name started with a J (though I can’t recall if it was a Jake, Jack, or John, but I’ll go on with Jake) So Jake while at the bar comes face to face the Devil , who is there to claim Jake’s soul.

Ol’Jake was a con artist and was able to trick the devil into climbing a tree. Once Satan was at the top branch, Jake carved a crucifix into the tree trunk trapping the devil.

Jake was able to escape with his soul that night, and lived his trickster lifestyle to a ripe old age. When he got to the pearly gates he was turned away for his dishonest life and after he then arrived at Satan’s underworld. The Devil glared evilly at Jake and refused his entry, this stranded him in the blackness of purgatory. Jake begged the devil for a candle to light his way and was granted a burning coal by Satan who then turned his back on Jake.

Jake found a turnip (how the heck is there a turnip in purgatory?) and carved t out, then placed the glowing ember inside using it as a lantern.

The Jack O’lantern became an Irish symbol for the damned soul, and was placed in windows to ward off evil spirits. When the Irish came to America, the custom continued but finding turnips hard to come by, started using pumpkins as they were easier to come by as well as easier to carve.


How to pick a pumpkin – for carving

I know this would be munch better with a video, but for now a text description will have to do until I get somewhere I like the look of the pumpkins.

(if I’m able to get a pumpkin this year)

  1. Of course first go to grocery or BEST go to a farmers’ market. (That’s where I got the one in the intro picture)
  2. look among the pumpkins till you find one that catches your eye
  3. This should be smooth at least on one side with hopefully NO scarring (unless there’s a way you can use it as part of the carving!) as well as a nice medium to dark orange color. I prefer medium to large sizes that are vertical in length/ (those stout ones seem to be a bit harder to work with) this is because I do not have precision cutting tools or one of those Dremels either.
  4. once you find one to your liking go pay for it.
  5. by now you should be home Pencil a circle around the stem about be sure there’s about 1/2 to full inch from the edge. Now cut along the line. (while doing this you can also make your face or other design. Just be sure to use pencil first!)Gut the pumpkin & SAVE those seeds! Make your own roasted pumpkin seeds (they taste SO much better than the store ones!)put the pumpkin innards in a separate bowl if you or family plan to do some kind of pumpkin cooking or baking.
  6. Now if you haven’t already draw your face on the pumpkin IN PENCIL! once you have what you like, go over it in a fine tip sharpie marker.
  7. Now carve out those eyes, nose, mouth and so on.

Jack Who?

We all have our preferences. Paint, Carve, leve it whole put a candle or flashlight or glow stick in it.

want to know what as far as designing goes is your favorite way to make it

supplies for carving your niche – & more to further elaborate on the Jack O’ Lantern story

Dremel 7000-PK 6-Volt Pumpkin Carving KitBrass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool KitThe Story of the Jack O'LanternPaper Magic Group Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit, 9 PiecesDremel 764-04 Pumpkin Carving Rotary Tool includes 10 Templates
Dremel 7000-PK 6-Volt Pumpkin Carving Kit

I haven’t used one of these yet, but those that may do it professionally might (think for haunted houses and such. however if you need small details in your carving this is a great idea for you.

Brass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit

Get all those neat edges and delicate details with these fine knives

The Story of the Jack O’Lantern

Honestly I do not have this book, as I already have a couple with the story (or at least a variant of it) in them.

a basic tool kit usually with ‘knives’ that kids can handle. (but parents double check before you hand it off)

Dremel 764-04 Pumpkin Carving Rotary Tool includes 10 Templates

another version of a dremel. (also good for making jewelry so you crafty people should get one!)

Screaming Hallows

OMG I want to get those fangs!

I am trying to find some of the NON carving Pumpkin kits Like the one I have that You can make A Cat, Bat or something else. (Haven’t used it in a few years) But I’ll add as I come across something

Glow in the Dark Fang Teeth 18ct (Standard)
Glow in the Dark Fang Teeth 18ct (Standard)

What way to make your Jack O’lantern look more sinister? Throw some ghoulish fangs in. Make him a vampire, werewolf, or some other fanged creature


event-report-face-off-hhn-halloween/  * producers-buzz-new-saw-film/


#18 Ouija


Doing a Double Dose today as I don’t think I will  be able to get online tomorrow to post. So I hope you enjoy this & have a great weekend!

 Ouija halloween

Being as there is a movie out (or  to be released) ,  I figured a post on the Ouija board  would be a good idea.

The Spirit board is not a game, it has been around for centuries and unless you truly know what you are doing, I suggest not to dabble with it.

I do know however no one heeds the warnings; so in hopes to keep you safe, I wanted to include some information of ‘rules’,

  1. The Number 1 rule NEVER ask for a specific person.  Many times people have asked, and it turns out  a malicious spirit, or an inhuman one. Also NEVER assume it may be who you are looking for (don’t even mention their name)  Always ask a few questions to see if it’s really them. You could also pull a trick .. like  asking about if they remember something like a “the day we went to……(but don’t use the real place you went mention somewhere else, maybe even making up something else you did period.)
  2. Never Play alone
  3. Never in your home or cemetery
  4. cleanse the board before use (white sage, and salt will do nicely)
  5. Never speak saying your friends or your given name.
  6. Never let the pointer leave the board
  7. Never take your hands off the board (for any reason there is no pause button) one hand off & the portal is open
  8. Make a protective circle (salt would be best to use or brick-dust or both)
  9. Make sure you do not break the circle.
  10. Always say good-bye

This site here http://www.dragonoak.com/Ouija-Board-Instructions.html is the MOST informative for rules & precautions.

Well look here here’s one image that will help me out with the rules!

Ouija Rules I’d chain the darn pointer to the board lol

On this site http://www.ghostwalks.com/ouijahowto-article.htm They mention rule for not playing alone that it’s not true being most of us are not Psychic, this is not true, even the best can make some sort of mistake or a spirit could be more strong than they are. Certain people of the zodiac esp. Scorpios have the power (if they open themselves to it)  This does have some questions to ask the spirit before conduction the questions you want to ask.

Here’s one a link i found that has a few rules I had not come across before, though I might have thought of in passing. Like how I mention Protection by cleansing as well as a ring of salt/brick powder)

http://www.theparanormal.me/2012/04/ouija-board-rules-how-to-play-ouija.html mentions to place a  silver coin (real silver)

There is a variety of designs  Triangle, Circle, and the standard board alone


The same goes for the planchette, the somewhat triangle-shaped object that points (some do call it a pointer) to each letter. Some are made of wood, other metals, some are not even in that triangle shape.

I’ve heard it’s usually best that you make your own board & ‘pointer’   instead of using that mass-produced piece of plastic from Milton Bradley or whatever ‘game’ company.  Wood and  water retain energy so make your own but you must be positive when doing so.  Instead of cutting it all up, if you can get a piece or 2 of a tree that has fallen on it’s own I’d say is best, if not then see if you can get a ‘ring’ from someone cutting theirs down as well as another piece to make the planchettte.  Then all you have to do it figure out how you want to design your board. Of course you want the traditional, Letters, Numbers, Yes & No Good bye with the Sun & Moon. Sometimes though there are other characters as you can see in the circular board.  Just do a search on Ouija boards to see some of the designs same for the planchette.  In some cases I have seen a small hole in the pointer to include a pen or pencil.

The  How to    http://www.wikihow.com/Use-the-Ouija-Board-Safely

This is a GREAT page that gives you warnings, how to and more! there’s a few notes after as well please be sure to check these out to avoid trouble.

ouija_research cases *  real-ghost-story


I have found 3 places for history that frankly I thought I couldn’t write a better history on the board so I’ll just include the links.

museumoftalkingboards.com   * http://ouijaboard.info/about/   *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouija

–facts & crap—-

In my ‘Very Scary Almanac’  as of the 1993 copyrite of the book Dracula has been portrayed in 162  movies and Frankenstein in 112.

Allhallows eve (Halloween) the Celtic  Festival of Samhain(Lord of the Dead), ghosts and evils spirits are believed to ram the land. The holiday on November 1st was changed by Christians as a celebration of  saints (All saints day)

November 2nd is All Souls day which has an English legend that if 2 people are stumbling around a darkened room at midnight on this day they will never see each other again.

#16 The Various Voodoo that hoodoo


Starting Friday the 17th  AMC FEAR FEST is back with a  full schedule   starting at 9am

some of the highlights  A tremors marathon on Saturday, &

sunday Tremors marathon continutes with part 4, and  a Child’s play marathon later in the night

Dracula Day.. Monday the 20th starts a 2 day Friday the 13th marathon

Thursday is Puppet master & Thirteen Ghosts

for the full sked just click on that link!





I recently finished reading  Voodoo in New Orleans by Robert Tallant.  Oh don’t worry it doesn’t actually teach you the craft, it’s a history book on how it started, how it became ‘corrupted’, about the Queens especially the most famous Marie Laveau  (which turns out there were at least two of them.

The original African rite, the priestess lifts he snake from the box and is supposed to lick her cheek which is supposed to give her a vision and power. There are explanations for what some items were used for that were given as Gris Gris, or how to ‘fix’ a person that has crossed you and so on.


Voodoo is actually a religion but some use it for dark purposes. The author notes that ‘Voodoo’ dolls were not used much in the craft, if ever. So how that came about (other than one part in the book)  I do not know.


Haitian_Vodou *   Louisiana_Voodoo *  West_African_Vodun

http://Authentic african voodoo



(stay tuned.. I may be adding more to this post)


This sunday is the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode so an  iHorror author posted the/10-best-treehouse-horror-segments/

#15 Terror on Tv the return


So I came across some news for our favorite Horror TV series and just figured to do another TV entry.

I wanted to start off though with  five-horror-shows-audiences-forgotten which jogged my memory of some shows, though I don’t think I ever watched any on that list, but I remember hearing of 2 noted in the link.)

before I note the ones I remember I wanted to highlight  the Walking Dead being back and out of the shipping container running! The premier was off to a fast start, when the episode was over I thought, that’s all feeling as if it only took 15 minutes or half hour.





The Horror (or in quote)  TV series I remember are

(here are the intros)


Tales from the Dark side


Friday the 13th the series

Freddy’s Nightmares

Twilight Zone  

Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt keeper 

Ah here’s a list of  Current and past Horror tv series 



american-horror-story-already-renewed-fifth-season/ however I heard Jessica Lange will not be back.


would  Sleepy Hollow   or Hannibal   be considered as a Horror series?


The Strain I believe I covered in a past

Penny Dreadful 


Constantine  (?)


On a not so scary note Stephen-kings-dome-renewed-season-3/



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Horror_fiction_television_series  * http://www.imdb.com Highest rated horror titles_


#14 Memorable mutilations


I couldn’t think of a topic for today then I saw  10-unconventional-deadly-weapons/ in my inbox from iHorror and thought, hey wait that’s a great idea!

I always go by “the pen (esecially a fountain pen) is mightier then the sword”;  though having worked at a lumber yard for 11 and a half years some in the store and the other half outside you tend to start eyeing some of them for your emergency weapon resources and how to use them. I always say a gun is a coward’s weapon, besides why use one of those when you can use everything else as one and likely one would not expect it


That list has my favorite ever Memorable Mutilation & current best ever title.


#1 Microwave from Last House on the Left (which just for that I gave an A or a B to as it was the most original death I’ve seen in a movie)

The Blender (which I was cracking up when I saw that one) from You’re Next   is another but it wasn’t as surprising & climatic as the microwave, so I am really not sure where us ranks

I thought they left out a couple of real ‘fun’ ones from No One Lives starring Luke Evans

I don’t think the guy died  from it but points given for the  use of handcuffs  (gotta love the line, ever heard of Zip ties?)

Though the microwave still remains a ‘Memorable Mutilation’ & is still an overall title holder.  I have to give the writers of No One Lives applaud for the use of  a certain item at the End. (I don’t want to give it away for those who haven’t seen it yet)


What ones do you remember?