Haunting Decor and costumes

Haunted Decor

Deck the Halls with Blood &


To start with the Halloween party you need to start with the decorating! The more Spooky, Scary & Creepy the better

Even if you prefer cute.. try including some scarry stuff. It’s always good to have the various levels as noted so think of it as layering, Spooky, creepy scary. You want the best scare inside for the guests and one semi-scarry for the trick or treaters. Whatever you have to do to be the King or Queen of halloween on your block.

Buy or rent 1 -2 (the least) animatronic ‘gags’ to give your guests a scare, and they will be the talk of the town! Or one of those big blow up decorations. Remember Too many IS too much unless you are this house

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Some of the basics for decorating

I always try to include some ‘rag’edy fabric around (if I have any) otherwise I try to make it look that way. Getting my hands dirty (bronzer for sand and ancient looking things,  or just throw some coffee grinds (better & more realistic) in some water and let the rag soak (you can mix it around… to your liking.) Its best to have various degrees of ‘dirt’ on one of the pieces of fabric or each a different degree of dirty.


Go to Home Depot and buy a 4′x 8′ sheet of pink insulation board. The thicker the better. Cut it into multiple sizes. On some use a round object like a garbage can lid to trace a rounded top. Make others flat across the top. Next print text on your computer and print it. RIP. A NAME, DATE or clever saying. Lay the way sore on the foam board and punch the lettering into the board. Pull the paper off and tidy up the engraving. Foam board will melt if you spray paint it. Paint the board with white acrylic paint. Now you can spray paint it. If you want to be fancy, buy a cheap styrofoam skull and cut the back off. Glue it onto the gravestone. This example has a different decoration and is 36″ tall.

Creepy Crawlies, Flying and Boney things – Rats, Cats, Bugs & Bats

Spiderwebs– use cotton stuffing (they usually sell it in the stores

Kangaroo’s Strechy Spider Web – 16 Foot


from Peeves the poltergeist to FrankenSully

I’m not sure how I would go about making Sully to be Peeves from Harry Potter, but thanks to the Frankenweenie picture creator on its site, I was able to turn Sully into the Bride of Frankenweenie!

Here I try to give you some ideas for costumes for your fur monster as well as your little terror (bite), as in

not only do I have pet’s costumes but I have some for your infants as well as children.

Sully also shows off some of her costumes (or not so costumes but all her ideas) We will also show you a couple of her costumes to decide between this year!


Witch Pet Costume Size Small

Witch Pet Costume Size Small

This can do double duty for you, save some money and use for both Cat or Dog!!

Safety Vest

Security Guard /CATstruction worker
Security Guard /CATstruction worker


would be a suitable costume for Sully…I mean this in no disrespect; she is a very good cat. But she was rescued by Just Strays from Sing Sing Prison, so she’d be right at home in those horizontal stripes or good thing for her she looks good in Orange!

other costumes –

Some can be used for both CAT & DOG!!

Meow both Kimmi & I have made selections for your Pooches…

these are the ones we thought were the cutest & funniest

Casual Canine Hot Diggity Dog Mustard Costume, Small

Casual Canine Hot Diggity Dog Mustard Costume, Small

Just my stupid humor to put a hot dog costume on a ‘hot dog’ breed of dog. (just watch out for the predators! if you don’t want your little weenie stolen….take that line however you want!)

Animal Planet Bat Dog Costume, Small

Animal Planet Bat Dog Costume, Small

(Sully & Kim pic) We LOVE this!!! and I think it said it can be used for cats too so its twice as good! use it for the cat one year & the dog the next!

Rasta Imposta Bacon Dog Costume, Medium

Rasta Imposta Bacon Dog Costume, Medium

(Kimmi’s Pic) This made me laugh as a friend of ours has a Pug dog named Pancake, so I thought it would be fun to make her up as a side of bacon!

Rasta Imposta Under Dog Dog Costume, Medium

Rasta Imposta Under Dog Dog Costume, Medium

This would be too cute to see on a beagle (I think that’s the type of dog it is supposed to be in the cartoon who dresses as underdog unless I’m getting another one mixed up. (maybe I’m thinking of Hong Kong Fooie?) but what dog wouldn’t love to done this honorable costume?! (besides we play superman they play underdog! let them be a superhero!)

The Many faces of Sully

Click thumbnail to view full-size

The Fashion Model (yeah I know this one is a bit far fetched but she crawled behind it!My Witchy CatTriplets (ok this is not so much a costume but some trick I have yet to figure out how I did it.Norman Bates... "We All Go a Little Mad sometimes"
The Fashion Model (yeah I know this one is a bit far fetched but she crawled behind it!
The Fashion Model (yeah I know this one is a bit far fetched but she crawled behind it!

Make your own

instead of spending all that money (unless you can find it at a reasonable price)

use an old shirt or jeans and make your own costume for your pet. (Plus it wil fit them better!) Or if you want to use it for years to come go to JoAnne’s Fabric (& crafts) store to get a fabric design you like plus have everything there to find what you want to make it.


from Furry to Fleshy Sully Pics – Infants- toddlers

I’ve got some ideas for your little monsters of Flesh as well. There’s loads of idea but my favorite one is the mermaid one here.

Rubie's Costume Deluxe Baby Bunting, Mermaid Costume, 1 to 9 Months

Rubie’s Costume Deluxe Baby Bunting, Mermaid Costume, 1 to 9 Months

my Human Kim liked this and I thought it was quite cute as well, but for me it’;s making me hungry.. KiMEOWi give me a treat!

Rubie's Costume EZ-On Romper Costume, Monkey See Monkey Do, 6-12 Months


Rubie’s Costume EZ-On Romper Costume, Monkey See Monkey Do, 6-12 Months Now your ‘Little monkey’ can really be one! –>

Rubie's Costume EZ-On Romper Costume, Cozy Cow, 6-12 Months

<–Rubie’s Costume EZ-On Romper Costume, Cozy Cow, 6-12 Months

you think us animals are cute dressed up, your kids are cute dressed like us!

Children’s costumes

Halloween Concepts Child's Orange Glitter Witch Costume, Small

Halloween Concepts Child’s Orange Glitter Witch Costume, Small

Sarah Goode… is that you? Back from the pyres of Salem?

Halloween Concepts Child's Red Ninja Costume with detachable hood, Medium

Halloween Concepts Child’s Red Ninja Costume with detachable hood, Medium

K-Sully why did you pick a Ninja?

S- I don’t know, don’t all boys like Ninja’s?

K- Sully I don’t know, all I know is the boy Max (you met him) across the Street loves Batman. To me Boys all like G.I. Joes, &amp; Star Wars but then that’s was my Cousin Johnny when we were little! But a Ninja is a very respectful costume, I just hope they have the honor of one to wear it.

Batman Dark Knight Rises Child’s Deluxe Muscle Chest Batman Costume with Mask/Headpiece and Cape – Small

Well here’s a ‘Dark Knight’ Batman costume for Max when he gets bigger

*This page is a spin off of Horrifically EVERYTHING Halloween… (as well as others that are slowly coming together)

Halloween Make up & Effects

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