Horrifically EVERYTHING Halloween (or at least I hope)

All Hallow’s eve

Vampire Vixens, Horror Hags, ‘Black Hat Society’, ‘Wolf Packs, Ghouls, Ghosts, & all Other Creatures of the night I bid you WELCOME

Halloween was celebrated as the new year, when the crops would be harvested, and the cold weather came. It’s a celebration of the dead. The death of summer and the Sun (shorter days) when Osiris is killed nightly by his brother.

Halloween was & is the ‘witches’ holiday, the day of Samhain pronounced as s-ow-n, (as far as pronunciation was explained to me) & started out originally for adults dressed in those white powdered wigs with big ball gowns & bobbing for apples with those masquerade masks on a stick for the women & elastic on it for the guys.

My intention for this page is to give you the COMPLETE story; well Stories on Halloween and everything that goes along with it,! WOW! Looking back through what I originally made (was written originally on squidoo, which sadly closed down and I had to raze the page to separate ones on Hubpages)  I have definitely outdone myself. TONS of movies, Books & activities to choose from. If you can’t find a movie, or child’s program here, then please add it in the comments and I’ll add it to the list.

NOTE: If you want to see my other Halloween related pages just hoover on the link for this page’s tab

Horrifically EVERYTHING Halloween by Kim Marie Ostrowski is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The Wanton Witch – BY ? (found on image search)

Learn about Halloween

The History of Halloween

Trick or treating”, pumpkins as lanterns and costumes, especially those of the ghostly variety are relatively recent, they started during the 20th century, the origins of Halloween started across the seas in the beautiful emerald isle known as Ireland.

The early Irish people as Celtic tribes, similar to those found in Scotland, Wales, Breton (Northern France) and Galicia (an ancient region of N W Spain). The Celts (pronounced with a hard ‘C’ as in Cane’ embraced Paganism, one of many hundreds or even thousands of belief systems that were very common in the days before the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and are still popular today (eg: Wiccan).

The Pagan religions were based in nature, and Not Satanic Worshippers as others would like you to believe.  The Pagan Celts all spoke Gaelic, with variying dialetc depending on the region. No one at that time, heard of Halloween. Halloween was pretty much made up by the Christians …many of their holidays revolve around Pagan beliefs (what ever happened to “Thou Shalt Not steal” but they did. Christmas.. that was also a pagan holiday called Yule or for the Romans Saturnalia. The Christians are the biggest stealers of Cultural Appropriation. But that would be getting off topic)

The Pagans had two particularly important Festival celebrations, one which celebrated the arrival of Spring, on May the 1st called Beltane with dancing, feasting and the traditional Maypole. The other celebrates the end of the harvest, and arrival of Winter, October 31st- November 1 is called Samhain. Incidentally, in the Gaelic language still in use in much of Ireland today, the word for November, is Samhain. Samhain is also generally regarded as the beginning of the Celtic New Year.

The ancient Celtic tribes believed that the dividing line between the living and the dead became dangerous for the living on October 31st, when the change in the weather had become much cooler (colder) leading to sicknesses and damage to crops. So, they tried to ward off the perceived evil spirits by lighting bonfires where the bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown. Just like at modern Halloween, at these new festivals, masks and costumes were worn, making them look like evil spirits, and supernatural beings in an attempt to placate them and send them far away.

One of the names for these festivals (feast days) was on the eve of Samhain, 31st October, about to be the eve of All Hallows Day, and soon to be known as Halloween.

With the advent of Christianity, in the first Millenium, celebrations had begun of a Festival called All Saint’s Day, which was also known as All Hallows or Hallowmass, and was celebrated on May 13th. (Hallow means to make Holy.) The day before All Hallows was called All Hallows Even, and hence shortened to Hallowe’en, and then to the Halloween we have today.

Gradually, many of the Pagan traditions of Samhain, began to be incorporated into Halloween, particularly the attempts to ward off the evil spirits, as described earlier, with the costumes and masks.

Of course, the main modern Halloween activities for children today, especially in North America, are ‘Trick or Treating’, lantern lighting (jack O’lanterns), and hopefully dressing in ghoulish costumes . It appears that this did not really start until the early part of the 19th or 20th Century. The first known reference to what is really ritualised begging on Halloween, was reported in 1911, in a Canadian newspaper in Kingston, Ontario, not far from the border with upstate New York. The paper reported that it was normal for the smaller children to go street guising on Halloween between 6 and 7pm, visiting shops and neighbors, to be rewarded with nuts and candies for their rhymes and songs.

HAUNTED HOUSE Facebook Status

Use your Top 10 friends in your profile


1.Holding your hand:

2.Screaming hysterically:

3.Running into the darkness:

4.Punching Dracula:

5.Sobbing uncontrollably:

6.Wanting their mommy:

7.Peeing their pants:

8.Sucking their thumb:

9.Hiding behind you:

10.Laughing the whole way:

The ultimate Haunted House – mckameymanor

Books of Shadows & activities – books for every part of halloween and various ages….

Print me out & color me

I included a VERY wide variety on, so if you can’t find something here, then please check out the other pages or contact me!

(there may even be some Halloween types on my other lenses)

Books on Halloween itself, the history, games, activities, Pumpkin carving, Decorating, recipe books, Make-up/fx, Ghost stories, Myths & Legends There’s I think a few DVDs in here (as they are about Halloween & not an actual movie) There’s also some occult books to possibly creep you out. Vampires, Witches, & such check and see which are published

Have the kids (or your friends) make up their own story & even more fun…have them act it out.

other variations of this could be someone starts it off with one sentence, then another person adds their own (it would be a good idea for someone to either write it all down or to record it all to listen/read all at once.

a couple of my favorites are

the Little book of Chills & Thrills history, Receipes, legends & loads more.

Mannheim Steamroller’s Halloween: The world between also has the history of Halloween in it. (some may be on the other pages) & The Halloween Tree

as I mentioned including games & activities.. a popular one esp. for halloween is the

Book of the Dead

     The Very Scary Almanac                                    The Book of Hallowe'en
The Very Scary Almanac                  The Book of Hallowe’en
Buy Now                                                      Buy Now
Mannheim Steamroller Halloween: The World Between
Mannheim Steamroller Halloween: The World Between

I have this for my collection & read it evey other if not every year. It’s the story of halloween

The Halloween Tree
The Halloween Tree

I purchased this Halloween 2012 and quite enjoyed it. I didn’t know Ray Bradbury wrote a children’s book (if its considered that). It’s an adventure through time from the beginning, even before Halloween became so. It’s a Festival of the dead, of the summer dying and turning to winter, which was considered the New Year

This will teach you the true tales of Halloween, symbols and about a lot of the ‘rituals’ we do. (trick or treating, the jack O’lantern, dressing up and more!) Some may be with a bit of creative tinkering but o

Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America's Fright NightHalloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America’s Fright Night

The Pagan Book of Halloween: A Complete Guide to the Magick, Incantations, Recipes, Spells, and Lore
The Pagan Book of Halloween: A Complete Guide to the Magick, Incantations, Recipes, Spells, and Lore

 Halloween! (Holiday Series) This has some recipes in it for a variety of things. Also Halloween history, information and more. Buy now on Amazon

Samain: 'Twas the Night Before #Samhain.

31 Days of Horror Sporcle Quiz series

Activities & Ideas

 for any (all) ages

Here’s some for the kiddos including some in class related lessons!

Trick or Treating & carving pumpkins are not the ONLY Halloween activities

Halloween is a time of fun, and for quite a few a way to let loose (other than at the office Holiday party) & let their freak flag fly.

For others its a form of self expression & creativity making their own costumes, or to just show their darker side. In ways some people may feel they’re like a vampire so they dress the part, and this is the one day they can really be who they are.

others (like myself) have a month long Horror Movie marathon

Towns have parades and special activities like Sleepy Hollow (see the Yonkers,Ny link in link at the end)

That have readings of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, hayrides haunted Houses and more sometimes not ONLY for the kids

have a party, with food that is Halloween appropriate for instance

Spaghetti with red sauce (brains)

Put green olives in a bowl & leave a card ‘eyeballs’ in front of it

(or you can get Eyeball gumballs from Oriental trading company see links section)

Make Graveyard Brownies (or cake) just be sure that you have oreo cookie crumbs (or oreo type) on top

Blood Cake (otherwise known as Red Velvet Cake..) for your vampire friends

be sure to have some true Blood on hand as well! (tho that’s a bit expensive at about $5 a bottle!)

Go to the library for ideas in each of the sections children’s, teen & adult for help on ideas there’s also some books listed in a coming section to check out for all your Halloween needs & ideas.

(I’ll try to even include some recipes etc noted in the books I have here (& will include in the books section )

also if you check the links… You will find oriental Trading company they have Treats that are quite ‘spookctacular like Eye Gumballs, Blood Bags, gummy worms witches nails etc. also all the party favors decorations and more! They more likely may even have activities as well

I have also listed activities pages in the links section


If your child is too young for carving pumpkins they can still do it with some parental supervision


children’s scissors, Orange & Green construction paper Pencil & black marker, tape or glue stick

(amount of pages depends on the size they’ll make  their paper Jack O’lanterns)

Make at least 3 (up to 5) Jack O’lantern heads where they cut out the eyes, nose & mouth in black paper

Cut out steams for each with the green paper (Glue to the Jack O’lanterns

When they are done, tape or glue a bit of the sides of their Jack O’s together to form a circle

Put a battery powered tea light in the middle & put outside while giving out treats, in a window otherwise use for a centerpiece on the coffee table, Dinning room table or where ever else to show it off.


(might need  some parental help)

this is an easy one all you need is

a bunch of WHITE Tissues, some clear string (fishing line) a Black felt marker, GLue & sewing needle

Take about 3-5 tissues (say side to side) & ball them up. (depending on how big you want your Ghost to be)

separately with a few more tissues Layer them on top of each other (use a drop of glue to get them to stay) at various angles (you won’t want to see the ball be sure to test how it looks as you do it

inside & you want it to look like a really tiny person is under a sheet

Next you take those tissues that will go over the ball (once the glue is dry) & thread the sewing needle with the Fishing line (or just regular string if you don’t have it) & thread a loops at the top to hang the ghost from in your doorway, window whatever.

Next put a some glue around the top of the ball & Put the ‘sheet’ of tissues over it. Let Dry , then hang

& WHA LA you’ve made a ghost decorations

If you drink soda (or at least coke) Those plastic things in the tops, could work well as ‘coins’ as prizes or some form of game marker,

Just mark Numbers on them & assign a prize to each number

or if you want to go further, paint them well, use them for game markers, and maybe make them part of a game (maybe you need to find them, & the one that finds the most gets a prize, (sort of like an Egg hunt) make most of them say Black & Orange & one or 2 Purple & green & who ever gets the Purple one & the Green one gets a prize as well. Heck you can even use sharpie markers and make Mini jack O’lanterns out of them. each child that wins a game (if you have them) at the party gets a coin


(print out and trim  you can use these to trace onto cardboard and make templates to make them on black paper, or even if you sew make small plus bats to hang or hand out as treats for the little ones that may not be able to eat candy yet.

Ouija Board

esp. being as the veil between the dead & living is suppose to be at its thinnest

Speaking of which any one planning on using one (buy or borrow) PLEASE be sure

-DO NOT use in a cemetery or your own house

-when you are done using it make sure you and the Spirit says good-bye. There have been reports that after some have ‘played’ with them & the spirit hasn’t said good-bye weird things start to happen.

-You DO NOT ask for a specific person (evil spirits can act and make themselves sound as if they are the one you want to speak to, as well as even mimic your voice.) When you contact a spirit, ask who you have contacted,

ask it a trick question (for instance something only you and that person know, but when asking change the name of the place, person name etc. Like remember that time we went to Michigan (when you really went to New York) this way you know if it’s them or not

then you can ask if they know whatever it is you want to about the person you want to know about.

 Witch’s Brew

 You’ll need a cauldron (plastic or real) that’s to be used for the ‘punch’ bowl.

You’ll need a hand sticking out of it as well with some garnish

Cook Time

Prep Time: 10

Total Time: a night

Serves: 12


  • 1 latex Glove to form hand
  • 1 (32 fl. oz) bottle of apple Juice chilled
  • 2 (12 fl. oz) cans frozen cranberry juice concentrate
  • 1 Cup orange juice
  • 1 1/2 liters Ginger ale (Canda Dry is best as it has the smoothest taste)
  • 1 orange
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Lime


  1. Prepare a 12 ounce can of Cranberry juice in a pitcher, then pour into a clean latex glove. Freeze glove overnight.
  2. Next day, in a large punch bowl, combine apple juice, cranberry juice concentrate & orange juice. Stir until concentrate disolves then slowly add the ginger ale. Thinly slice the citrus fruits into rounds to float on top of the punch. Extract frozen juice hand from latex glove by running warm water briefly over glove, then carefully peeling back the latex. You may want to freeze 2 gloves, 1 for bacup. Float hand in bowl & serve

Halloween – By Charlene Ashborn

All Hallows Eve is almost here,

The spookiest night of the year.

You may see a ghost, witch or ghoul

For this is the time these beings rule.

Front porch stoops are their favorite haunt,

Here they gather to giggle and taunt.

Ringing doorbells, shouting “Trick or Treat,”

Only to be appeased by something sweet.

Greedily they grab handfuls of candy,

Stuffing it in sacks they always keep handy.

The creatures then vanish as quickly as they came,

To torment others with their silly game.

Midnight comes, the “witching hour,”

The sweets are sorted, ready to devour.

In a short time, the candy has vanished,

Into stomachs totally famished.

Soon the creatures begin to moan,

All that sugar making them groan.

Slowly they crawl into their beds,

Pulling the blankets over their heads.

Quietly, each creature is heard to say,

“I’m glad Halloween is a year away!”


This was challenging even for me! 40 questions I think I missed most stat related ones but

Do you think you know everything about the origin of Halloween?


Things that Go bump in the night

I came up with the idea for the title being that Halloween is suppose to be scary and some watch Horror movie marathons to celebrate. This picture made me think of a book ‘The Halloween Tree’ I read last year by Ray Bradbury. (I think it was for children it was a fun read, & for once something new to add to my traditional Halloween reading & movie watching.)

This is an amalgamation of what I’ve found over the past year (& what I didn’t get to for last years halloween Lens)

This year I’ve tried not only the ‘horror’ theme but trying to think of what else to add to it, I didn’t do a work up on witches last year so I’ve tried to include information on witches HERE

It turns out this is definitely not just horror but for the whole family. Not much REALLY scary maybe comedies for movies.

There’s Make-up Tips & Tricks, Movie Marathons, Decorations, food & more. I think maybe a bit of everything & anything to do for a party (for adults and teens)

I tried to include a little for everyone on here, but I noticed I may have a bit more for the ‘newborns’ & Fledglings

So Try an Catch all you can, if you can! Keep in mind, there’s things lurking about ready to scare you! So I throw the ball to you.. ready? CATCH!

Horcom – Horror Comedy

Ernest Scared Stupid             The Frighteners            Little Shop of Horrors (1986)                The Rocky Horror Picture Show
4 Horror Comedy Classics (Elvira / Transylvania 6-5000 / Return of the Killer Tomatoes / House II)

Halloween Travels

These are the places I think are the best to celebrate a Halloween for one reason or another


Salem, Massachusetts

Sleepy Hallow, NY

Transylvania, Romania

New Orleans, Louisiana

Stonehengee in England

Castles in England




The Story of the Jack O’Lantern

An Irishman named Jack found himself face to face with the Devil while sipping whiskey at the local pub. Satan had come to claim Jack’s soul. Jack however, the con artist that he was to the core, tricked the Devil into climbing a nearby tree on a dare. No sooner had the Dark Prince reached the top branch, when Jack quickly pulled a knife out and carved a crucifix into the trunk, trapping the Devil in the tree.

Jack escaped that night with soul intact, tho he still continued to live out his days as a drunken trickster. When he died at a ripe old age, Jack was turned away from Heaven’s gates for living such a dishonest life and sinful life. So arriving at Hell’s flaming inferno, Jack found himself starring into Satan’s eyes once again. The devil fixed him with an evil glare, and refused him into the fiery pit. Stranded in the blackness of purgatory (Limbo that place between Heaven & Hell) Jack begged the Devil for a candle to light his way. The Devil threw him a burning coal and turned his back on Jack forever. Jack Placed the Ember in a carved out turnip using it as a lantern as he wandered the netherworld in anguish.

The Jack O’Lantern soon became the Irish symbol for a damned soul and was often placed in a window on Halloween to scare off evil spirits. When the Irish later immigrated to America, they began using pumpkins to make these superstitious lanterns instead of turnips, which were less plentiful and harder to come by. Today, Jack O’Lanterns are a favorite Halloween tradition, used as spooky decorations rather than spiritual watchmen

Pumpkin Carving for Dummies & Roasted Pumpkin seeds recipe

(c) 2010 Property of Me Kim Ostrowski Jack O'Vampire

Carving a pumpkin

There’s NO FUN in painting the pumpkins or sticking things in them to decorate. Yes its NOT as messy but the idea of the Jack O’Lantern is to ward off the ‘evil’ spirits & Help the good find their way.

Carving Tools:

News paper —–to spread out on your work area

pencil——to draw out idea on paper then etch out your design on the pumpkin remember it doesn’t always have to be a face you can design other things (look for the books below for ideas)

paper—-draw out your idea on paper first

marker—– so that when you have your final design you can trace over the pencil for it to be easier to see.

Sharp Knife—or the children’s one from the kits

Large Bowl——-to put pumpkin guts in (esp. if you bake/cook pumpkin stuff)

medium Bowl—-for seeds

Spoon med-large or an ice-cream scoop

Your hands Sometimes its easier then the spoon! to scoop out the pumpkin Guts

To start

1. –lay down Newspaper on your kitchen table

2.–have your idea drawn out first or have a template you printed out/copied template(s) ready

3.–Look at the pumpkin & turn it around to find the best area for your design

4.–after drawing your idea on paper, Draw it on your Pumpkin with the pencil (or tape the template up to the pumpkin & trace the image out (also draw a medium circle big enough to get your hand(s) in to pull out the innards)

5. — no mistakes! GREAT now use the marker to trace over that

6.– Cut out a circle in the top of pumpkin & pull up (I hope you got one with the good sized stem)

7.– Time to dig remove the insides & sort the seeds into the medium bowl

8. (see Recipes OR the Little Big book of Thrills & Chills) Throw those Seeds in the toaster oven be sure you add whatever seasoning first

(I LOVE the with Garlic a dash of sea salt & some paprikaa

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

instead of throwing them away make yourself a tasty treat. (& much better than the ones in the store OVER loaded with slat!

1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds

2 tablespoons of butter

seasonings to taste

A. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

B. with the seeds scooped out Wash the seeds under cold water, removing the stringy fibers. Blot dry with paper towels and set aside in bowl.

C. Melt the butter in a saucepan and pour over bowl of seeds. Sprinkle with salt or whatever seasonings to taste & mix until the seeds are well coated

D. Spread the Pumpkin Seeds evenly in a single layer ona baking sheet for approximately 45 minutes stirring occasionaly until seeds are golden brown

(recipe available in The Little Big Book of Chills & Thrills)

9.–when you’ve got the inside nice & clean & the seeds cooking its time to carve out your design

10. — all carved out? Go get a glow stick or battery powered tea light  if you have young children otherwise a candle looks so much better and spookier lit in the pumpkin

11. If you have battery powered tea light put it in the window If its a candle put it on the stoop outside or somewhere (away from Fabric & flammables) for those outside to see. On Halloween put it outside your door with the light in it. as a greeting for the treaters.

Jack o lantern History

©photo Property of ME that was my jack O’lantern from last year!

Costumes & make-up tips

Halloween is suppose to be a scary holiday or at least fairly so depending on the age. When Halloween first came about people dressed up to scare away the evil spirits as Halloween is the day the veil between the living and the dead is most thin. Think Dressing like demons, the devils, mummy’s vampires etc. or something there may be no name for something weird To make them think they have already taken over our side.

Below I’ve included 3 cateGORY Costumes, Masks & Make-up/FX Costumes may consist of some form of costume that’s a full piece (or pieces) of clothing. There’s also Pieces that you can make a costume out of.. Choose a Mask say the Jason hockey Mask.. The you go to the costumes & pic out your Machete, & you just wear a pair of blue Jeans, Black shirt & a plaid button down shit (tho that can be left open) You can also wear a pair of the Carhart Blue coveralls.

Another idea say if you want to be a dragon & get one of the masks and wings.. If you choose to be one of the red forms, were a couple of various of red clothes even including a bit of orange & maybe even a little yellow. You can even use them as a bit of trim as well. but wear colors or clothes that blend into what you are going to be. (for Movie Maniacs like Leatherface, & Jason et all.. watch the original or newer movies (tho the originals are more recognizable)

Home made Costumes & make-up are fun even if its something weird you piece together out of different items in the costumes & FX & masks sections (a lot more fun than trying to find that specific costume (let alone in the size or color you want) Or just the right type of Wings make things a little easier have a little bit of both!

When doing make-up always practice & try to work it out in someway a day or 2 before Halloween (or whatever day you have to do it.)

BLACK EYES use regular Eye shadow to make black eyes (use a bit of Blue, black & that purple red color)

MAGGOTS throw flower on your face & wet your hand a bit & throw the water on your face. Otherwise you’ll need Liquid latex & Spirit Gum adhesive.

(also rent or buy survival of the dead (listed in t he movies below) & watch the special effects, also listed below is Syfy’s Faceoff which has some Make-up how to’s

for anything bloody (which its needs to drip a bit or just sit on top of stitches etc) get yourself 3-d effects Blood 9its a bit like gel so you may have to tone it down a bit depending on what kind of effect you are going for.


You don’t need to wear a Full costume as in clothes accessories etc to be wearing a costume.

This year my ‘costume’ really is only 1 piece & that’s a Vampire Bite ‘appliance’ a rubber piece I stick to my neck using the spirit adhesive, then putting some of the 3-d blood inside it to make it look fresh & a trickle or 2 going from the bite down my neck (& maybe a little on an old (white) shirt. I can add wearing my pair of fangs to it & maybe being I have a scar on my left wrist that LOOKS like a vampire was feeding off it, I might add a bit of the 3-d blood to that.


Once Halloween is over, I hope you have some Astringent around (Like seas breeze, clean n Clear or neutrogena they also make it for sensitive skin as its made from alcohol) you will need this beacuse weather you used regular make-up or the make up out of one of those kits like you buy in a CVS (or some form of franchise pharmacy & is one of the things i don’t like about halloween, & why I try to be creative with my make up)

use it before & after you clean your face.

Use it before to get the excess crap off, wash your face, then use it again to be sure everything came out of your pores. Then put some moisturizer on.

Trick or Treat


Guising comes from an old Scottish practice, when children in Scotland and northern England would wear a costume or disguise, at Halloween, when they went out for their special treats. The major difference to the ‘trick or treat’ practiced today in America, is that in Scotland (and probably Ireland too), the children are only supposed to receive treats if they perform for the households to which they go. This normally takes the form of singing a song, reciting a poem or even a joke. Occasionally a particularly talented child might do card tricks or play a musical instrument, but most children will receive their treat for doing something quite simple. There was no practice of performing a trick on the householder or neighbour.

Another interpretation of the origins of ‘trick or treat’, is said to come from the practice of dressing up in costumes and begging door-to-door for treats on holidays. This goes way back to the Middle Ages, and even includes Christmas wassailing – carol singing.

Trick or treating has some resemblance to the old Irish and British practice of ‘souling’, when poor folk would go door-to-door on Hallowmass (1st November), and be given food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (2nd November). This practice was even common throughout much of continental Europe, even as far as the south of Italy. It even mentioned by Shakespeare in his comedy, The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

The halloween trick element of the practice seems to be very modern, and probably in the 1930s in the United States, although exactly where, is unknown for certain. Even how it started is also rather a mystery, although it seems it may have begun when children were refused treats in the years of the Great Depression, and some decided to take their revenge by playing tricks on the householders. These were however, harmless fun tricks like spraying a little water, or going back after the door had been shut, knocking on the door or ringing the bell and running away. Unfortunately in some places these tricks have become nothing short of vandalism, and in the UK these days, the police regularly issue warnings before Halloween that anyone caught vandalising would be dealt with severely, with the full force of the law.

As kids and parents take to the streets for Halloween trick-or-treating, Halloween safety becomes the primary concern. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an estimated 36.1 million children (ages 5-13) hit the streets in 2006 (down from 41 million in 2002) looking to calm their sweet tooth strapped with their best costumes for Halloween. (sometimes you also get highschoolers or adults trick or treating)

It’s rather sad that in today’s world, the fun element of Halloween activities seem to have disappeared in some places. Not only in North America but in most countries, parents nearly always feel compelled to accompany their children, who might otherwise not be safe. Who can blame them, for today we read far too often of crimes where young children are the victim? Whether these crimes actually are more common or whether our media now reports it more, is a moot point, but who would want to take the chance?

So, let’s try to make the best of it. Let’s have a better understanding of Halloween’s origins, Halloween’s activities, and let’s place greater emphasis on the treat rather than the trick, and above all, let’s all have fun!

How Americans Became Convinced Their Halloween Candy was Poisoned

Graveyard Brownies

Just make your brownies the normal way jsut DON’T cut them yet.

I found a great pic to show you some things you can add to make the graveyard.

Only instead of frosting the whole thing.. Do it in spots as if its mud in soe of those spots crumble chocolate cookie crumbs (Dirt & its the only way it’ll stay unless you frost the whole thing & just leave parts where you can see the frosting whichever is easier for you)

add Gummie Worms, Gummy Body parts/Organs (see links for Oriental Trading Company they sell them) also see if you can find those candy bones.

If you think of something to make the Thombstones out of… Let me know. (I pref. The decorations to be edible as well)

Make-up & clean up tips

Make-up tips When using make-up for halloween, sometimes its best just to use everyday household make-up and items around the house! A few ideas I’ve done in the past (and in some cases still do )

Flower- great to use if you want something that looks like a creepy crawly magot on your face!! Throw some in your face, then get a little bit of water in your hand (like maybe a teaspoon) and rub around on your face!

Make-up (everyday) great for black eyes use some black, reddish/purple and green colors to make it look more realistic.

Red Food coloring (with a touch of black GEL food coloring & Kyro syrup-Vampire? Making a haunted house? Mad Scientist or leatherface Need Blood? Just mix these together note blood should not look like candy apple red or Fire engine red esp, its suppose to be a dark red color & if its suppose to have dried up then a cross between black red and brown.!

Instead of BUYING a costume.. make your own out of clothes you have in your closet.. want to be a Princess use a white fluttery nightgown (wear clothes underneath) Vampire.. Just wear black buy a novelty shirt at hot topic. (If you can afford it have fun and buy one of those awesome dresses at Hot Topic or if in Toronto go to Queen Street to Siren’s (if its still there)

Need a puck or some other sport item? Use tin Foil and colored duct tape! (or just white masking tape & color it whatever the color the ball is)

Clean-up Tips(these tips work as well for regular make-up)

For those of you that may wear the full (what I call) ‘Goo’ make up, this is the kind that you use on your whole face (like the white clown makeup) This will also work well if your significant other is in the army and has to wear that kind of gunk) Get a bottle of Astringent (trial sized if you plan to use it only for this day) Sea Breeze,Phisoderm, will work well Oh yeah Oxy or stridex will work well too! (try the pads, but if you have sensitive skin you’ll have to use Neutrogena but it might take a little longer to get off)

Also get a package of the cotton pads, to use to take the make up off! (the bigger the better!)

You will also need eye make up remover (the oil of it will easily take the make up from your eyes in a gentle manner as to not harm the sentitive eye area.) & use on Lips to get the coloring off your lips.

Then just wash your face with a mild liquid soap. (bar soaps clog pores)

Check out Make-up Effects


A mummy is a person or animal whose body has been preserved with the proper embalming procedure (and no, not that of which is in funeral homes in the United States). Some Mummies however can be created by Extreme coldness, caught in a bog which lacks much air. So that the body does not decay if kept in a cool dry condition.

Normally in movies we see mummies as slow moving, one foot dragging behind them (sort of like Zombies, but gift wrapped)

but HOW are Mummies ‘made’?

They are taken to the Ibu (purification tent) first washed then annointed with sacred oils. Nect it was taken to the embalming place called a Wabet.

There a large incision was made on the left side of the abdomen and was used for removing vital organs like the heart, Liver, lungs, intestines, & stomach, these organs were put in canopic jars. Later on either in the middle or early new kingdom the Brain was removed. By puncturing a hole above the nose cavity, and a hook like tool was inserted to liquify & pull out the brains. After all that work, its on to dehydration in which the body was either submerged in a solution of or packed in natron salt. The body is then cleansed of the salt & taken to be ‘beautified’ where its stuffed & shaped back to size with herbs. Perfumes & oils rubed on the body, Open wounds are sealed with wax and a metal plate was placed over the hot wax with protection symbols to hide the incision. After this the body was covered with molten resin. Men were colored red & women were made yellow. Then came the wrapping process which took 13-15 days. White linen was normally used but families to make donations of cloth to embalmers some being fine cloth and having spells written on them. During the wrapping many amulets are added between the layers for protection and safe passage. Finally the body is covered with a death mask made of Linen or Papyrus & reinforces with plaster. Royal mummies, like King Tut’s are inlaid with precious & semi-precious stones. and finally the mummy was laid in its ‘coffin’ and then tomb.

Mummy Munching.. in Alexandria in A.D. 1300 by Dr. El-magar prescribed “mummy Munching’ as a remedy for Rashes, fractures, migraines, epilepsy, coughs, (wouldn’t the dryness jsut make you cough more?!!) nausea, & ulcers. Puts a Whole new meaning to bad medicine!

The pracitce of preserving the bodies was to make sure the soul would survive and go on to the next world.

Its estimated that 500 MILLION bodies were mummified in Egypt

The Curse of th Mummy’s Tomb’ In 1922 Tutankhamen’s (aka King Tut) tomb was discovered and allegedy since 17-25 poeple have died as a punishment for desecrating the sacred shrine of the Pharaoh.

IF you come across a pyramid or some form of mummy, weather its Heiroglyphs or in english DO NOT READ any form of scroll found near the mummy, especially not out Loud.

Trapped by a Mummy? Have a lighter or match? Better yet if you’re daring…Just grab a rag & unravel him.

Keep away from wire hangers and anything wire for that matter (try buying the plastic or nice cloth ones) It might give the mummy the idea of making an eternal Husband or Bride out of you.

Party Time! Ideas

Halloween Party

Creative Converting Halloween Tricks and Candy Cost Saving Big Pack Round Dessert Plates, 25-Count
Creative Converting Halloween Tricks and Candy Cost Saving Big Pack Round Dessert Plates, 25-Count

Plastic Halloween Cups
Plastic Halloween Cups

Tag 651195 3-Part Divided Pumpkin Serving Dish
Tag 651195 3-Part Divided Pumpkin Serving Dish

Package of 6 - Decorative Unfinished Wood Funeral Coffins For Halloween Parties, Goth and Decoration
Package of 6 – Decorative Unfinished Wood Funeral Coffins For Halloween Parties, Goth and Decoration

ULTIMATE Horrorween Movie Marathon List

Halloween Themed Horror or just my own faves© ZodiacImmortal

(Also may have a couple Tv shows in here)

As for My Bloody Valentine.. I pref. watching on Valentine’s day & the original one is better esp. the laundromat, & what Halloweeen movie list would be complete without the Queen of the Macabre? Elvira!

Hope I get to watch (really need the Dvds) Dracula (classic) Frankenstein (Classic)

Oh If you buy or rent Survival of the dead.. watch the Special features (I just can’t remember if we rented the blu-ray or DVD so check the info before hand to be sure) there’s one on how to do some spec FX make-up to make zombie bites etc. & there’s all different things you can do with just what they show you! THe only limit is your imagination

  1. My Usual list of Suspects…Lost BoysMonster SquadThe Worst WitchHocus PocusThe CraftHalloweentown
  2. 2011 Samhain Movie MarathonThe following is what I have or Hope to get to watch this year1. Elvira’s Haunted hills2. Goblin3. Insidious4. Big Bad Wolf5. Night of the Creeps6. Night of the Demons (remake)7. Night of the Demons 28. Susperia9. Boo!10. Haunted Castle: Imax11. Parasomnia
  3. 2012 Movie MarathonInsidious (Chapter 2 is out in Sept)13 GhostsGeorge A Romero’s Survival of the DeadPumpkinhead seriesNIghtmare on Elm street seriesI prefer to reserve Friday the 13th for the day but its fine here as well. (I mean 13 is 31 backwards)
  4. The Horror Marathon continues on Halloween Horror Marathon 2013

Horror Movie Status

You’re IN A HORROR MOVIE (first 10 people you see in NEwsfeed)

1. Decides the creepy house is safe:

2. Screams like a baby:

3. Scares you as a joke:

4. The first to go missing:

5. The first to go insane:

6. Has your back no matter what:

7. Survives by faking dead:

8. Has a solid survival plan no one listens to:

9. Is really the killer:

10. Holding your hand the whole way:

They Did the Mash

Transylvania Twist

I don’t know about you, but for some reason Halloween music is what does usually get me to dance, besides making me smile. Just check out some of the videos on my Horrifically Everything Halloween, especially that pop tune Calling all the monsters, there’s also some here as well. The Backstreet Boys song Everybody is in my Top 5 favorite of my Top 10 favorite music videos. I just wish I could really find a Transylvania Twist song! I’ll have to checkout my iPod and add my Halloween Playlist on here for you as well.

So what makes a great Halloween play list? Well that’s hard but it’s like the Addams Family

“It’s creepy & its kooky its all together ooky, & all together spooky”

Mashing Twists

write some Halloween themed spoofs to other holiday songs or popular music.

If you know how to play an instrument, try writing your own tune!

Deck the halls with blood and guts boo ha    ha ha, ha ha

tis the season to be scary mu ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha

In gruesome apparel.  Boughs of webbing

My Music List – besides a few of those in the list(s) below

Johnny B Morbid’s album how to wake the dead would be good (need to get that)

  • Murder Dolls’ Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls. (check out the titles on their other albums, there are a few that would be fitting for a Halloween bash)
  • Queen of the Damned Soundtrack
  • Voltaire’s song the Vampire Club
  • Jace Everet Bad THings
  • Vampires Everywhere – kiss the sun goodbye
  • Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban sound track.. Track 5 -Double Trouble
  • Godsmack VooDoo (on Self Titled album)   Vampires (on Awake album)
  • White Zombie/ Rob Zombie Dragula,  Thunderkiss ’65 & Living Dead Girl
Vampire's Lair: Blood Thirsty Beats
Vampire’s Lair: Blood Thirsty Beats

Someone gave me this one year I only listen to it around Halloween though, & a shame as there’s some cool stuff on there if you like this kind of music.

Halloween party


Haunting Titles -Halloween books

The Things that go bump in the night

I love Horror and Ghost stories, and thought I’d make a lens on an assortment of books for various ages to read at Halloween. Some of the books even if you are an adult, I’m sure you would enjoy.

I love stories that while I read them that any other noises in the house spook me, what can I say I like to get creeped out and spooked. While I ‘know’ there is nothing there, well who is to say there is not? Halloween is the time of year where the veil between the world of living and dead is thinnest. So that bump in the night might be a dead relative coming to check on you and your family! Why Not entertain them with a story While they are there for the night?

The Manheim Steamroller and the Ray Bradburry books are great I think for any age. They tell you about the history of Halloween and the other traditions of the season, one in which is the day of the dead.

image credit

Choose your own adventure & Pop-ups

I remember when I was younger I had one or 2 books you could choose your own adventure and they are fun, because as you read them you choose how you read the book. You can read it over & over & it’s a different story each time.

As for pop-ups I used to love those as well. They were wun with the little ‘tricks’ some of them had whe you pulled one of the tabs to make something move etc.

This Dracula one I think is more teen – adult as it’s supposed to be a ‘Graphic Novel’

The Haunted House (Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks)Return to Haunted House (Choose Your Own<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Adventure - Dragonlark)Mini House: The Haunted House (Mini House Book)Dracula: A Classic Pop-Up Tale (Graphic Pops)
The Haunted House (Choose Your Own Adventure – Dragonlarks) Buy Now
Return to Haunted House (Choose Your Own Adventure – Dragonlark) Buy Now

Mini House: The Haunted House (Mini House Book) Buy Now

Dracula: A Classic Pop-Up Tale (Graphic Pops)  Buy Now

Cliche start

ON a dark and stormy night

the rain poured and wind whipped

almost knocking me over.

I came upon an old house,

it was foreboding, when I approached, the door creeped open earrily


continue on…. What happened when the door opened? Was our character invited in, did he enter? What in your mind does the house look like inside or out?  Did someone answer the door or did it just open of its own accord?

 (Please reply at the end with your ideas)
What would your Tombstone say? The usual Name & dates? A quote? Lyrics? Let us know


What would YOUR tombstone say?


Origins, Fact, Fiction summary

Some say that the blood sucking fiends of the night are purely fictitious, that depends on your point of view…

What about Mosquitoes (Blood suckers) & Vampire Bats that actually feed from livestock, Leetches etc?

ALL VAMPIRES! Also its doesn’t ahve to actually drink blood to be so. There’s also what’s called Psychic vampires that zap your energy (think those REALLY annoying people like a Nagging wife/mother/husband (if men actually nag) , Yeah not to give my mother a compliment but She just sucks my energy straight out! I for one prefer to go right for the Jugular!

The origins of vampires date back, even before Bram Stoker wrote his famous DRACULA novel.

His name…Vlad Dracul (meaning The Dragon) and is who Bram Stoker baded his 1897 book on. Vlad, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler,Vlad lll Prince of Wallachia & in Romania as Vlad lived from 1431-1476 and ruled from 1456- 1462. He took a sadist twist to punishment, impaling wrong doers upon a large steak & not necessarily always from front to back through the heart. The death toll of his victims estimates between 40-100,000!!

However Dracula was not the first vampire tale to be published! John W. Polidori’s Gothic short story ‘Vampyre’ back in 1819 in a London Magazine was & that was the eyr after Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and 78 years before Dracula so much as touched a virgin necl.

(Please be sure to check the links section for more)

There’s a variety of Vampires, in the books section there’s a field guide for the different types,(see book section) to name a few…

The Alp from Germany/Austria, El Chupacabra from Puerto Rico /Mexico, The Dybbuk the Hebrews version, From Ireland the Dearg-Dul Teh Rakshasa from India, Teh Sampiro from Albania, The most famous Strigoii from Romania, & Vrykolokas in Greece. THey al lhave their own different traits and looks. Some Ghastly looking others quite the tempting eye candy.

also if you look at one of the Vampire the Masqurade Roll playing Game books, I am told there are different types noted for that world.

There’s even play sheets to keep track of your power chracters etc. (There should be one included below, if not please let me know)

Vampires, through the years have been believed to have a variety of powers. Some of these powers are common, some are old and some have just started to be written into books and movies in the last 90s to new millienia.

*Fangs- 2 pointy little daggars, that depending on your Point of View; are either pretty sexy & kinky, or downright menacing.

*Unusual Physical Strength

*Seductive power over me & women this (depending up writer) is sometimes called Enthralment, Consumption Hypnotised

*Do not show up in photos (Strength or weakness?) however with the digital age of photography, They are starting to get their Vogue on.

*Cast No Shadow (all the easier to sneak up on your prey…there’s no warning)

*May always be hungry but can go for long periods of time between feedings.

*sometimes have been assumed to control the weather

*have speedy healing capabilities.

*Tho’ it takes years maybe even centuries, are sometimes able to shapeshift into Bats or wolves

*Another Power that takes years & lots of practive is they are sometimes able to turn to mist, so they can get trhough a crack or under a door

Also weaknesses

* Do not Produce a reflection when they look in a mirror

*Needs to be invited into a home by ‘the man of the house’ tho’ its pretty much anyone living there.

*Sleep in a coffin all day & wake only as the sunsets.(Its said the older they are they can wake as the sun sets the younger they are the harder it *They are always hungry

*are afraid of Crosses (mainly some others say any religious symbols) however in recent years this really doesn’t work. The same with

*Garlic.. They’re suppose to be repelled by Garlic which is able to help boost immune system & help fight disease (which some say Vampirism is) is in some cases in a mute point now in the vampire myth as in Lost boys Paul says “Garlic doesn’t work boys’ & The Salvatores of Vampire Diaries are suppose to be able to eat & I believe the Sparkly Twilight version are also able when needed.

*Can only be killed with a wooden steak through the heart. Thus, keeping them ‘stapled’ to

in their grave. Just don’t take it out, because in some lore, they will come back.

*Disintegrate if they come into contact with daylight

*If splashed with Holy water it looks as if they are burned.

Some say to burry a person face down so that if they turn into a vampire they will dig themselves a deeper grave.

Want more Vampires? Come check out the Vampire Bible

Want to read some Vampire Books? (see Book of Shadows section)

Dracula by Bram Stoker (tho’ there’s a new version I think unabridged or with some sort of art in it) I’d seen it awhile back at the library

The Vampire Lestat by nne Rice

In Search of Dracula: The history of Dracula & Vampires by Radu Florescu & Raymond T. McNally

Voice of the Blood and wounds by Jemiah Jefferson

Movies (ee movies for the these & others)

Nosferatu (Black & white) 1922

Dracula (black & white) 1931 If you watch the Bela Lugosi version which is my fave

Fearless Vampire Killers 1967

Love at First Bite 1979

The Lost Boys 1987

Lair of the White Worm 1988

Bram Stoker’s Draula 1992

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1992 (which later was turned into the pop Cult Hit Tv Series

Interview with a Vampire 1994

Blade 1998

Queen of the Damned 2002

Find More Vampire Related Information in

ThE Vampire Bible  &   Dracula Day

Dracula’s Top 10 Favorite Songs

Dracula's Top 10 Favorite Songs

Blood Cakes & Cookies – AKA RED VELVET CAKE

This recipe varies depending on weather you will make cake (or small cakes ) or if you want cookies.

The Receipe as shown is for the cake the notes below or how to make the cookies

Preheat over at 350 degrees

Grese sides & bottom of each pan with ‘shortening’ (butter)

Lightly Flower (use baking cups for cupcakes)

Blend dry mix, water, oils & eggs ina large bowl at low speed until moistened (about 30 seconds)

Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes

Pour Batter in Pans & bake right away

Bake cakes acording to baking time chart on Box always test with a tooth pick

Cool on wire rack for 15 minutes. (or if you are like me & love fresh warm cakes, & cookies) cut a little piece off to test

If you want frosting on them… Make sure if you don’t make it red.. Remember they ARE suppose to be ‘Blood Cakes’ To make them halloween like with BLACK or Purple frosting. (just buy white Frosting & add Red & Blue food coloring until a medium/Goth purple shows when you mix.

For black.. Have fun try a bit of each color until you see it starting to turn black. If you don’t liek how sweet frosting is, you can also add mix coolwhip with some frosting to take away the sweetness also some people make cream cheese Frosting for Red Velevet cakes.

Have fun!

See my Red Velvet cake lens for more!


Cook Time

Prep Time: 15 minutes (?)

Total Time: Cake Varies depending on Type Cookies 30 minutes

Serves: Varies on What size cake or cookies you made



  • Duncan Hines RED VELVET cake mix
  • 1 1/4 Cups water
  • 1/3 Vegetable Oil
  • 3 Eggs


  1. For Cake Follow directions on Box as shown
  2. for COOKIES
  3. pay no attention to the box other than preheating at 350 degrees
  4. 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
  5. 2 Eggs
  6. DO NOT add water..
  7. Mix until thick like paste
  8. Then put add a dollp on a cookie sheet about an inch apart
  9. Bake Cookies for 8-10 minutes for the cookies

Halloweenies (The Kids & Pets)

I’m Anti-Q T

I’m against CUTIE Halloween as I’m a traditionalist when it comes to the holiday.Halloween is the day the veil between the world of the living and the dead (spirit world) is open and the creatures on the other side can come over.Originally we dressed up on hallowen like witches, vampires & so forth to make them think they already took over our world so they’d go back to where they came from.There are ways you can dress as a ‘Cute’ Witch, vampire or werewolf even frankenstein. Here I will include what I can think of for ‘cute’ Halloween stuff, like stuffed animals and such and if I can find a few costumes Though I am against it, I can understand the ‘need’ for some cute Halloween stuff like if you have a child of certain ages you can even decorate their room with cute stuff as well as the inside of the house.I have included what I could think of today of Cute things… and will be adding more as I hear of or find more. Have any suggestions? Please let me know in the guest book

 how about a spooky bedtime story!

More Short & ShiveryEven More Short & Shivery: Thirty Spine-Tingling TalesShort & ShiveryScary Stories Box Set: Scary Stories, More Scary Stories, and Scary Stories 3
More Short & Shivery

I read this book not really spooky as far as I remember but these are for a certain age range, but wouldn’t have scared me back then Buy Now

Even More Short & Shivery: Thirty Spine-Tingling Tales   I haven’t read this one Buy Now

Short & Shivery  Haven’t read this one Buy Now

Scary Stories Box Set: Scary Stories, More Scary Stories, and Scary Stories 3 Buy Now

Vids for Fledglings

Halloweentown / Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge (Double Feature)Halloweentown HighReturn to Halloweentown (Ultimate Secret Edition)It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie BrownThe Worst Witch (The Movie)Monster House (Fullscreen)
Halloweentown / Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge (Double Feature)  Buy Now

Halloweentown  High Buy Now

Return to Halloweentown (Ultimate Secret Edition) Buy Now

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown  Buy Now

The Worst Witch (The Movie) Buy Now

Monster House (Fullscreen) I don’t remember much of the movie from when I saw it, but it is a scary animated house. Buy Now

Little Monsters

I saw this on tv I think Syfy showed it and it should be on the Disney Channel. It’s pretty dated in my point of view with seeing certain Effects used. It’s sort of cute but then I never had Monsters under the bed, & never had a closet in my room until I was an adult

Monster MashMonster Kid Home MoviesMonster Bash Fun Pack (Alvin And The Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein / Alvin And The chipmunks Meet The Wolfman / Monster Mash / Archie & The Riverdale Vampires)
Monster Mash    I think I saw this years ago, but don’t remember anything of it, which probably means I saw it as a kid Buy Now

Monster Kid Home Movies Not a clue about it Buy Now

Monster Bash Fun Pack (Alvin And The Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein / Alvin And The chipmunks Meet The Wolfman / Monster Mash / Archie & The Riverdale Vampires) This is a bunch of different shows, so an even better idea to get to entertain the kids (or yourself) Buy Now

For the young – & Young at heart

Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve (Magic Tree House, 30)The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat (First Time Books(R))
Haunted Castle on Hallow’s Eve (Magic Tree House, 30)  Sounds interesting Buy Now

The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat (First Time Books(R))  I have not read this but I used to enjoy their stories when I was little Buy Now

Groovy Ghoulies – gifts or activities for parties

Scooby-Doo Halloween MAD LIBS

Halloween books for adults

Adult Halloween Parties: Spooktacular Decorations, Food, Drinks, Costumes & BeyondHow To Throw An Amazing Adult Halloween PartyHalloween Games, Cocktails, & Shots for Adults Only
Adult Halloween Parties: Spooktacular Decorations, Food, Drinks, Costumes & Beyond Buy Now

How To Throw An Amazing Adult Halloween Party Buy Now

Halloween Games, Cocktails, & Shots for Adults Only Buy Now

Favorite Scared Silly book club lens NOMINEE

My lens is the one with the Skull (first column 3rd one down) I hope you will like it

My lens is the one with the Skull (first column 3rd one down) I hope you will like it

Killer Movie Serial Killers costumes

Why are they called serial killers?

Plus why is it spelled with an ‘S’? (unless of course they ‘SERE’ them to death with a cattle brand) I think serial Killers should be called ‘SKills’ instead (Sequal killings) or ‘Maks’ for Mass Killers (hey I’m sure in some towns there would no longer be a parrish) or just make up a new word instead of being confusing, because if you call them serial killers.. well they should be on the shelf next to Frankenberry.

Also I’ve never seen Jason 5 holes, or Freddy Berries on the shelf (& let’s hope it stays that way..)

Leather Face & Michael Myers – Texas Chainsaw Massacre & Halloween

DID YOU KNOW….. that David Ayres the Make-up artist for the original Halloween reshaped a Star Trek Captain Kirk mask into Michael Myers

Michael Myers is easy.. just wear black Jeans & shirt with the mask & knife below.

(I think he may have even worn those coveralls like machanics sometimes wear in on of the movies)

Leatherface- that’s alittle difficult besides the mask & chainsaw There’s at least 3 leatherface outfits you can put together

The Bucher

Bloody Weapons KnifeTexas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface 27" ChainsawPaper Magic Men's Don Post Studios Michael Meyers The Mask, White, One SizeTexas Chainsaw Massacre Costume with Leather Face Deluxe Overhead Mask
Bloody Weapons Knife Michael Myers is a total cut up… so be sure get his knife if you make him your choice  Buy Now

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface 27″ Chainsaw Don’t forget Leatherfaces iconic Chainsaw

Simple costume just wear a black shirt &amp; black pants. be sure it’s a t-shirt or a sweatshirt (no hood)   Buy Now

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Costume with Leather Face Deluxe Overhead Mask  Talk

Multiple personalities.. if it came to one’s skin he’d have 100s of personalities.   Buy Now

The Original Slashers

These guys were made famous by their sinister Guises

Freddy Kreuger- Robert Englund

Michael Myers- Tyler Mane

Jason Vorhees- Ari Lehman

Leatherface – Gunnar Hansen

Pinhead (Cenobite) – Doug Bradley ?

Freddy Kreuger costume

Freddy you need a pair of brown pants and a wide (horizontal) stripped red & green sweater (or shirt)

HORRIFIC dinner hosts

Friday the 13th’s Jason

Did you Know… Jason’s mask guise is a Detroit Red Wings Goalie mask (from the old days of course).

How about that it did not make it debut until the 3rd film?

GhostFace from Scream

for added prop, try using a white cordless phone (or a large white cell phone)

FunWorld Adult Plus Scream Costume, Black, One SizeGhostface Voice Changer as Seen in Movie ScreamTrick Costume Knife with Disappearing Blade
FunWorld Adult Plus Scream Costume, Black, One Size  you could  drape a black curtain or 2 over you!  just pin it in the right places.
Ghostface Voice Changer as Seen in Movie Scream Change your voice like Ghostface
Trick Costume Knife with Disappearing Blade &; Don’t forget the fake knife

Movie Slasher body Count



Hellraiser was a cool series, especially with all the Cenobites (which I’m sure were really demons just with a creative name twist)

The Cenobites characteristics depended on their personality and (or) the way they died.

I remember one in which ended up with some CDs stuck in its head etc. I’ll note more as I hope I will get to see at least one of them (though I do have the series lined up to watch)

Hellraiser Infographic

Slash this – What do you think you’d be as a cenobite?

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